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imchrisevans real footage of Riley's parenting when she's stressed out. When Amourette cries, Riley cries. And they kept mocking ME for being a cry baby 🤔

2.1M likes | 28.4K comments

user1 omg
parkinsonriles I'm offended that you're already releasing home videos
HanWyatt tbf, Riley cries whenever anyone cries so I can't imagine how she is with her own child
imchrisevans HanWyatt well, she's usually crying because she doesn't know why she's crying
parkinsonriles imchrisevans I actually hate you
imchrisevans parkinsonriles no you don't
parkinsonriles imchrisevans no I don't


Baby Daddy

Baby Daddy
Would you be able to grab
some stuff while I'm out?

My Jellybean
But you're the one that's out
I mean sure

Baby Daddy
I'm working
Saying I'm out sounds like
I'm avoid my duties and
drinking the day with Seb

My Jellybean
Isn't that what you do

Baby Daddy
Because I'm not with you
I want you to imagine me
pinching your nose then
flicking it for that accusation

My Jellybean
For a second there
I was worried what it was
you wanted me to imagine
you doing lmao
I'll let my imagination fill
in those blanks tho

Baby Daddy
Is that what you do when I'm
not at home??

My Jellybean
Oh yeah
I just think about you all

Baby Daddy

My Jellybean
I haven't finished
When Amourette's sleeping,
I daydream about you
And what you could be doing
if you were at home with me
And then I let my hands to the

Baby Daddy
Please stop
Before I turn my car around
and come all the way home

My Jellybean
I mean, coming in the car
is okay, but I guess
if you're more comfortable
coming at home, I'm totally cool

Baby Daddy
stop saying things like that
Why are you doing this?

My Jellybean
Because you're making me do
So my revenge is getting you
turned on in public
But wait
Why would you come home
bring those fantasies to life I see

Baby Daddy
I think you've have some
sort of alcoholic beverage this
So please
For my sake
Just do the shopping
The list is on the fridge

My Jellybean
Yes sir

Baby Daddy
Riley Parkinson

My Jellybean
Christopher Evans

Baby Daddy
Just do as you're told, baby girl

My Jellybean
You're officially my daddy,
we don't need paperwork, we
have a baby

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