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"Bro are you sleeping?" Jae asked tapping Brian's shoulder. When he got no response he attempted to lift him up silently to take him to the room, then he noticed that the screen of his phone kept coming on.

He looked at it and saw that Brian had been receiving messages from an unsaved number. He began to read it:
"Are you mad?"
"I bet you are."
"I'm sorry... I guess."
"Wait why do I have to apologize?"
"You're the one playing with my heart."
"I understand that we kissed but that doesn't answer any of my questions."
"You're not even reading any of these."
"I've embarrassed myself so many times in front of you."
"Young k."
"You can't be sleeping it's barely 8:30."

"What the hell is this??" Jae mumbled to himself before putting the phone away. "They even kissed already-" He folded his lips to keep quiet when he realized how loud he was. Just then Brian's eyes flickered open.

"Hyung what are you-"

"Oh my bad I was gonna carry you to the room." He replied letting go of him.

"That's not even possible so why would you bother?"

Jae smiled and scratched his head then his countenance changed. "Brian."

"What?" He sounded sleepy as he rubbed his eyes.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?"


"Are you dating?" His question was so straightforward and it was intended to throw Brian off.

"What? No. What?"

"Then who keeps texting you?"

Brian took his phone and looked at the messages. "Uhhh.."

"Uh what?"

"She's a secret admirer.. well not that exactly but she has a crush on me." He lied, getting up and acting confused.

"And you kissed her?" Jae wasn't budging even though he knew Brian didn't want to talk about it.

"I did not."

"It says it right there." He pointed at the phone and Brian stopped moving.

He let his eyes bounce around before trying to act tough.

"Hyung why would you go through my phone in the first place?" He asked abruptly picking up the phone.

"I didn't go through it the screen kept coming on and it caught my attention. So tell me the truth."

"What truth?" Brian asked hoping he could somehow escape.

"Is it Nayeon?"

He paused for a second to think before he decided to lie: "Yes. Nayeon. It's Nayeon."

"For real?"

"For real."

"Y'all went that far already?"

"Yes." He sounded more impatient. "Now please let me go." He said quickly fitting his feet into his slippers.

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