19. Murder

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The numbers blinked, switching from black on white to a lot of red as my vision changed. The phone came into focus then went back to normal, only to flash red again. I hadn't noticed how tight my fists where until Dante practically moaned behind me. My nails dug in my skin, carving perfectly little bloody moon crescents in my palms.

'' What did you do?'' I asked quietly, my voice a mere whisper. Cas watched me intently, analyzing my every move but I kept my eyes glued to his phone.

'' Well...''

'' What did you do?'' I barked at him, snapping around violently. My body shook with anger, my nails digging further in my hands. The blood snaked around my fingers, not yet dripping to the floor.

Dante's eyes were riveted to my hands, his tongue flicking out to lick his growing fangs. His eyes darkened, turning into the same burgundy color as the liquid in the vile. This could end badly but I was too furious to care.

My canines elongated to match Dante's fangs. His were much longer but incredibly thin while mine were shorter but could do much more danger. His teeth were for feeding, mine were for ripping asshole vampires to shreds.

I took a threatening step towards him, a deep guttural sound shaking through my throat. The sound seemed to awake him from his bloodlust haze as he met up with my burning gaze. He took a step back, raising his hands in submission.

'' Woah there Dev, you wouldn't want to do something you would regret now, would you?'' he chuckled but I detected a faint twinge of nervousness in his voice.

My throat repeated the dark sound, resonating through my body. My vision was mostly blood red, an aura of darkness surrounding Dante's nervous body. He took another step back as my eyes couldn't diverge off him. He was all I could see, the only thing of importance in this room. In this entire world.

My whole body pulsed to close the distance between us but it wasn't the same kind as with Cas. This one I was much more familiar with. I had this deep, unshakeable urge to bite down on his carotid and rip it right out. It was right there, that tiny little artery, beating softly against his neck. Then I would pull until his heart followed, tearing it out by his neck. There would be so much blood, so much vampire blood.

'' Killing me isn't going to help with anything.'' His back was pressed against the wall, his hands still in the air.

In a blinding move, I had my hand around his throat, my claws digging in his skin just a little bit. His blood rose to the surface without dripping since it was so thick. A vampire's heart beat so slowly that it thickened its blood, making it almost impossible for them to die of blood loss.

His frigid hand went upward to try and fight my grasp but I only tightened my hold, hoisting him up slowly in the air.

'' Maybe not. But it'll rid my life of an annoying ass blood sucking parasite.'' My voice was unrecognizable, if you could call it a voice. It sounded like dark animalistic sounds escaping my lips forming words, biting each end of them.

'' If you kill me, you'll never know what I did.'' He fought back, his hands still pointlessly trying to unwrap mine. My left eyes twitched but soon settled.

'' I'll figure it out soon enough.''

A warm hand wrapped itself around my bicep, not tugging, simply laying there. I barely felt it at first, like something touching me through a thick sheet of glass. Who was disturbing me at a time like this?

I just wanted to squash this puny little insect and be done with it. He had caused me so many problem, so much pain. He had intentionally addicted me to a deadly drug, knowing very well I had no means to pay him back. For centuries, I was a mere shadow of myself, blacking out every night or so, killing everything in my path no matter where I went.

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