29. Unleashed

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Hey guys! Long time, I'm so sorry!!

Little warning about this chapter, there might be some mature-ish stuff at the end. Kind of. (zero edited btw)

The whole city panicked, the amount of surveillance tripled in the last couple of days. It had been exactly four since Cas's outburst and he still hadn't woken up. His fever had simmered down slightly, his skin not as scorching but he wasn't looking so good. He often mumbled inaudible words in his sleep, but never moving. His limbs had been swallowed by the bed, far from being about to move.

All that time had permitted me to steal his shower, the water a heavenly bliss after everything I had been through the past few weeks. The blood under my nails were a bitch to dig out and my scalp itched badly. Unfortunately, it wasn't the only that itched.

I had scratched my arm almost to blood now, three distinctive nail marks popping out against my pale skin. I tried to stop, I really did, but the craving was going out of control. Being so close to the drug has reinforce my need for it, my entire body begging me to find Dante. But I had to stay strong, I couldn't leave Cas alone during all of this.

A first shift wasn't something to take lightly. He needed assistance and I was currently the only one qualified for the job. It wasn't like I could call up one of his parents and be all like: 'Yeah so your son just turned into the beast y'all hate and he's not feeling too hot. Mind taking a surveillance shift?' Like that could happen.

Wrapping a towel around myself, I peeked in his walk-in closet only to have my jaw drop. His suits were immaculately placed in a perfect color coordinated manner. To my left were his jackets, ranging from black, grey to midnight blue. To my right were the innumerable amount of dress shoes all perfectly placed one next to another. His laced were all done up in even bows. In front of me was a case displaying all the variety of ties.

I walked up to it, my fingers grazing the clear casing, trailing down to the drawers underneath. Even his socks were perfectly organized. I let out a deep sigh, a small smile twitching my lips.

"You're so weird." I chuckled.

I finally opted for one of his white shirts long enough to reach mid-thigh. Wrapping my hair up in my towel, I walked out of his closet. He was still laying there, looking deeply troubled. He was breathing evenly again, which was a relief.

After changing the cold compresses scattered all over his body, I sauntered to the brightly lit kitchen. I had to do something to occupy my mind or I would go insane. Maybe I could cook up something, settle that growling monster of mine, then work out or something. Seeing the shape he was in, he had to have a private gym somewhere.

I was so busy trying not to burn the whole place down that I hadn't heard the door open behind me.

"Are you making waffles?" a little voice asked behind me.

The bowl in my hands almost slipped from my hands, the batter threatening to spill all over the clean floor. I turned around with a racing heart only to find Katarine smiling at me, her soft hazel hair tucked up in pig tails.

" I.. uh... Kitty Kat, what are you doing here?" I finally managed to ask.

She shrugged, "The whole House is in panic, no one noticed me slipping out."

"You walked in the streets alone? Are you insane?" I gasped rather loudly, placing the bowl on the counter.

"The Guards know who I am, they would never hurt me. Plus, I know you won't hurt me."

My eyes widened, "You know?"

She gave me this 'duh' look, "You saved my life back at the de Bourgogne manor, remember? I recognized your energy."

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