28. Saving That Idiot Once Again

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Glued to the dirty brick wall behind me, I watched Dante and Cas fight, canines clashing against fangs. Cas's eyes were completely black, not an inch of white visible. Dante's flashed out blood red, the only colors perceptible. It was hard to follow their movements, their bodies a flurry of shadows.

I had to find a way to stop this fight and soon. I didn't know how Cas could handle such a powerful vampire, especially in this form. But how could I stop this? I was beyond weak and I had no idea if Cas would recognize me. The color of his eyes only indicated me that he wasn't in control of himself, his instincts kicking in. His feral side had taken over his rational, the complete take over of the id.

They both rolled out of the alley, chasing each other amid the streets of the city. Wincing, I followed them but my movements were incredibly slow compared to theirs, it was impossible to catch up to them in this form and in my current state.

Usual vampires didn't stand a chance against a pure Wolf. Problem was, Cas wasn't pure Wolf and Dante wasn't a usual vampire. Who knew how this fight would end?

Dante seemed to gain an edge on Cas, distancing himself from him. He had stopped trying to attack him, focusing now on only defense. Cas, on the other hand, wasn't letting up. His teeth grazed Dante's neck quite often, so close to tear him open. Dante slashed his nails behind him, barely grazing through the Wolf's thick skin.

They crossed a small park, Dante swishing around the trees while Cas destroyed everything in his path. I was still at a short distance behind when I heard a distinctive crack of branches not too far from me.

'' Halt!'' a loud voice toned across the park.

My head snapped around to see a small clutter of fully equipped Guards. They had only noticed me, drawing their weapons from their holsters. They started advancing towards me when one of the Guards stopped. His knees buckled slightly as he pointed out in Cas's direction. Dante had climbed up a tree and Cas sniffed the ground, trying to catch a hold of his scent.

At the sight of them, I had hidden behind a tree, trying to keep my identity secret for as long as possible.

'' W...w...'' he stuttered, his voice trembling in fear. '' WOLF!'' he yelled out much louder, drawing all the attention on himself.

Ah crap ah crap ah crap ah crap.

The shorter Guard fumbled around his pockets, drawing a phone out of his pants. '' We have spotted the Wolf in Atto Park, near the south side. I need every Guard on duty to assemble to that specific position. We need to shoot that thing down before it hurts any more civilians.''

No no no no no no no no.

Cas's head snapped towards them, his abyssal eyes flashing with a menacing gleam as he bared his canines. His claws labored the ground as his muscles tightening and he retracted back, readying his entire body to pounce towards them.

So what if he killed them? A Wolf in this state was extremely dangerous and practically unstoppable. The Guards stood no chance, especially in such a small number. If he killed them, that would lower the amount that I had to kill right? It would help me weaken the Prestige ranks. If all the Guards were to assemble in this spot, Cas would surely wipe them all out.

He'd then probably keep looking for more to kill since the feral instincts of a Wolf gives them the thirst for battle. He'll keep looking for things to destroy until those instincts are fulfilled. If I somehow managed to lead him to the manors...

Unfortunately, an image invaded my mind, struggling to rid my mind of all the revenge thoughts. It was Castiël's face when we had reached the hospital. The complete look of horror and sadness he had on his face as he watched his people suffer. This was his people, the people he had been raised with.

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