Chapter 3.

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When I woke up the next day, the curtains were open and the shower was running. I got up and walked to the balcony. Opening the doors, I walked outside and breathed the fresh air. It was a slightly colder, brisk day but I could feel the sun in the distance. I could honestly just sit here all day, this is the type of weather I love. Cold but not too cold you need a coat.

"I'm hoping you're not going to run away again. Especially in just a t-shirt." I heard Phoenix say. I swear he was smirking. I just rolled my eyes to that. I suddenly felt strong arms circle my waist and I flinched before turning around in his arms and looking up. I didn't like how close we were to each other and I tried to get out of his arms. Phoenix frowned at me but let me go anyway and took a step back.

"Breakfast is downstairs waiting." And with that he turned around and walked off. That's when I finally realised what he was wearing... Or not wearing. He was shirtless, with jeans that hung low and his hair was still wet from the shower. To be honest I thought he looked mega sexy. I didn't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't be thinking of him like that! He was my kidnapper! However, he was offering me breakfast, and how could I say no to food? I smiled at the thought of food and headed inside the room to change.

I saw some leggings and a white top that looked like my sort of size folded neatly at the edge of the bed. It had a note attached, stating that it was the best they could find for me to wear. Anything other than wearing this t-shirt or last night's clothes was a win right now. So with that, I picked them up and made my way to the bathroom to shower and get ready for breakfast.

I was glad that there was some type of hospitality. Even for a kidnapper.

Phoenix P.O.V

I walked out of the room with a frown on my face. She flinched and tried to escape my arms when I touched her. I put it down to the fact that I maybe, sort of kidnapped her. I did feel really bad, but I didn't want to let my mate out of my grasp.

I sighed and went to start on breakfast, which was bacon and eggs.

I smelt her before I saw her. She looked beautiful. A pair of black leggings and an off the shoulder white top, with her hair in a ponytail, she looked so natural and comfortable in those clothes. I smiled at her. "You look good. Comfortable?"

She blushed. It was adorable! But when I looked at her again, she was frowning and looked like she was having an internal conversation with herself.

"Yeah... You cook?" She asked cautiously as she sat down at the island.

"Yeah I do." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. But it didn't help, she looked uncomfortable. She settled down onto one of the bar stools and just watched me cook for a few minutes in silence. I was contemplating starting a conversation but when I looked over at her, she was frowning, possibly in deep thought with herself again. I wish I knew what she was thinking, maybe if I knew this situation could have become a lot better a lot quicker. I could only hope that she was thinking she actually wanted to give me a chance. I was trying, yet I was getting nothing in response. I couldn't quite work her out and I feel like the only way to do that was talk to her friend.

Silver P.O.V

I sat for a few minutes thinking about the situation I was currently in. I was also paying attention to the smell of breakfast, because other than the fact that I was starving, I didn't trust him enough to not poison whatever he might try to feed me. Luckily it just smelt like delicious eggs and bacon. He dished it all up, leaving two plates on the side, obviously one of them was for Jade and the other being his annoying kidnapper friend.

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