Author Note

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Hello! Welcome!

It has been a long time since I have touched this. I have been very busy and lost motivation to write for a long time.

However! I am back and better than ever. For those reading this and that have been awaiting the updates, what has already been written is now being rewritten, and I have an idea on how to expand the universe of this story once I have finished this one.

Since I started this book I have become a lot more mature so I know how to better tell this story now.

Please don't hestiate to comment and give me your opinions, if you like a certain character, I am more than happy to give you the expansion for them! I have all of these ideas in a place ready for you guys! :)

Thank you for any and all support. I look forward to seeing you guys read and enjoy this book!

See you all soon!

Ella x

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