Chapter 5.

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Silver P.O.V

The observation of pack training from the roof carried on for the next few days. It was a training week at college for teachers so we didn't have to go in, so other than catching up on work I'd already missed from Phoenix bringing me here, there wasn't much to do.

I decided to test a theory out. The men and women that were training couldn't sense me up here, but if there was a second person, maybe they'd be able to. Or maybe I was gonna have to get Phoenix to up their observational skills. Everyday after training when everyone left, that she-wolf kept trying to talk to Phoenix and he'd dismiss her immediately, then once she was gone, I'd slip down from the roof and help him clean up. While giving him my two cents about what I was seeing from above. I think he's really appreciating my advice and really enjoying my company. I've slowly warmed up to him and we're getting along really well. I'm trying to keep the mate call at bay because I really want to like Phoenix for him, not because of some predestined mate bond.

I finally decided to test out my theory and bought Jade along with me. She already knew what I've been doing the past two weeks and she had said to me she didn't want to join because it became a Phoenix and I thing and she didn't want to take away the one on one bonding time we had. Which is understandable, but I had a hypothesis.

"They still won't detect us even though there are two of us."

Jade had agreed with me on this from the start. Even though we were a witch/werewolf hybrid, we still had the scent of a werewolf, although we've only just started to reveal it as we hid it after the incident.

"Nice spot." Jade grinned as we got comfortable on the rooftop.

"It's got a great view. Plus we're not even that far away from the training ground." We'd arrived early today, just as Phoenix and Ryder had finished setting up and the first few wolves were trickling in. Phoenix had told me that training was only mandatory for warrior wolves and everyone that wanted to join was more than welcome. However I had noticed a few lag behind, and the majority of the women did not show up at all, which was sad to me. I had heard they found the difficulty level too extreme. The women that were there that I knew weren't warriors were Emma (my cousin), Mandy (bitch girl) and Katie (bitch girl's friend). Overall I'd say, without physically counting, there were about 10 to 15 women there, not including the female warriors. There seemed to only be about 7 or 8 female warriors. Which is good but also, for a pack this size, women's training and the amount of female warriors was appalling.

"It's kinda sad to see how few women they have training." Jade said, voicing my thoughts.

"Yeah... We should get on that. Maybe start up a women's training class, as a mixed level thing. So we could have some of the female warriors leading the training sessions. We could be there too. Goddess knows we need to get back to the training."

"That's a great idea! But wait I thought Emma was gonna be the one to train us?" Jade asked.

"That's true. Maybe Emma could do private sessions with us and between the three of us, we lead the female training sessions. Then anyone that doesn't come to this one, can train with us and any female that chooses to do both, can." I smiled at the idea, I knew Phoenix would love the idea but I also knew that him and Ryder wanted a hand in our training.

We sat in silence as we observed the training, grinning as we watched our mates demonstrate the moves and also that our hypothesis was correct. No-one was going to notice us.

"I suppose it could be the environment in which they're in, meaning they aren't paying attention to their surroundings." Jade pondered.

I agreed with Jade's statement, however I just know they could be better. "But they should still be acutely aware of everything that is going on around them. You never know what could happen." As I ended my sentence I heard a growl coming from Jade. Mandy's friend, Katie was cosying up to Ryder and it was rubbing Jade the wrong way.

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