Chapter 4.

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Phoenix P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating, heart racing and head pounding. This has happened before but I could never figure out why. It hasn't happened in about a year and now it's happening again.

I got up and left my room, heading down to the kitchen for a glass of water like I used to when this happened. I walked past the game room that was on the way to the kitchen when I heard whimpering. I realised I'd left my mate, Silver, in there before I headed to bed myself. I slowly walked to the door and opened it. What I saw shocked me.

It was Silver. She was on the floor, blanket discarded, whimpering and writhing in pain. Her face was scrunched up and as I got closer, the whimpering was more clear and it turned into words.

"Stop. No more, please." Tears were streaming out of her eyes. Silver was asleep but having a nightmare. I realised that my heart was pounding faster and my head was hurting so much.

I fell to my knees in pain next to Silver, head in hands and shouted in pure agony before I collapsed and blacked out from the pain.

I groaned, opening my eyes to bright lights and realised I was back in my bedroom. Was it all just a dream? No... My head is still aching, yet it's a dull ache now. I looked beside me and realised my mother was here. And my father. I thought they were still away for another week. Wait... What day was it?

I shot up in bed fearful. I glanced at my clock and it was 9am. On Sunday morning. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god I hadn't been passed out for too long.

"Honey are you okay?" My mother smoothed my hair back and looked at me with worry in her eyes. I nodded in reply.

"We found you on the game room floor, passed out next to a girl. You were both so pale. We didn't know what happened." My dad looked tired and worried. I picked myself out of bed and looked at my parents.

"Take me to where she is." I pleaded. My parents looked at each other and then at me before nodding.

I walked into the pack hospital and ran into Doctor Caleb Forrest. The head doctor here. He was currently training his two kids to take over one day, but he always said while he was here, he would be in charge.

"Alpha Phoenix. Glad to see you awake and well. I assume you're looking for the young girl that was with you. Follow me." With that, Doctor Forrest walked off down the corridor. I quickly followed. We arrived at the quieter, more private part of the pack hospital and walked into a room where I saw my precious mate lying in a hospital bed asleep. That's when I heard footsteps.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Jade swung me around and slapped me around the face. She went at me again but Ryder grabbed her. So she started attacking him before Doctor Forrest grabbed her and whispered in her ear. Then she calmed down. It was instantaneous. Like he was magic. Or he knew something we didn't.. We all looked from Jade to Silver who was asleep before Forrest said something.

"Jade from what I've seen of her recently, Silver can't be alone. I don't know how long Silver was alone for but we can't let it happen again. This hasn't happened since she first woke up..." Forrest trailed off. What did he mean? Why did he say all of this like he knew her?

Jade looked at him and nodded. "I'm sorry." Looking at Ryder and then at me. "It's just... I'm really worried about her." Jade looked at a sleeping Silver and sighed.

I just nodded silently before turning back to my mate. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and grabbed Silver's hand, holding it in my own. I looked at her peaceful, beautiful face. I noticed she was a little paler than usual but she still looked like her. I saw Jade walk to the other side of Silver's bed and slump down in the chair. Out the corner I saw Ryder walk and stand behind Jade and heard Dr Forrest closing the door.

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