Act 2

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"How long will we be out Finch?"
The Hunter, Merek, peered down at Finch who had an awkward grin on his face.

"Tis a two day ride Sir Crow"

Merek gave a slight hint of a grimace, he expected it to be a days ride at most not only this but he hated being called 'Sir' he was no Knight.

"I am no longer a knight, now go pack some provisions for us, rice and that also refill this with water"

Merek pulled his dull green hood over his head to defend his hair from the heavy rain which impacted the world around him, he stood in a muddy road which had been half-filled with somehow more muddy water.

A figure in full steel plate armour trudged through the murky water towards him, the figures face was covered by a steel helmet which looked like some kind of straight beak with a small slit for eyes.
A smaller figure with a well kept braided beard scurried after the first figure.

"We did need you after all Cyrus"

The man with the braided beard had a wide grin on his face.

"I told you! Magic would be at work here! I mean look at the place, I tell you it is oozing with the vibrant and unmistakable inner buzz of conjured darkness haha! Well come on then, spit it out what magic is at work?"

"Well I'm not sure if there is any, just seems like there is I'll explain on the way"

Cyrus nodded his head.

"And who is this fair maiden Merek?"

Merek turned to see Finch flounder through the opaque water, which stowed itself between the old prints of men and horse alike all clammed up to make a dingy road.

Finch carried burlap sacks which Merek presumed were filled with rice. Around his arm hanging by a small leather thread was a durable water skin. He was carrying all this like it weighed a ton, his back was arched backwards near to the point of snapping.

"Finch, he'll be leading the way"

"Ah' Cyrus raised his eyebrows
"a conductor leading the orchestra".

Merek smiled at Cyrus' small analogy.

"You know Merek the first orchestra was made by Sir Dunvic The Third in a small tavern, it had quite a few people and was made only a mere seventy five years ago. And look now, they are playing all over the damn place I mean, think about it? How fast things grow nowadays it's truly remarkable and-"

Merek interrupted him.
"Stop, you're going on again about some orchestra I don't care about"

Merek trudged through the muck to a group of hitched up horses. He unbuckled his belt and laced it to his horse, along with the water skin that he promptly snatched off Finch.

"Finch, do you have a horse?"

"Aye Master! I do I 'ave I go and get it ye wait here!"
The odd little man scurried off nearly pushing several people over.

"He is such an odd man".
A voice came from the covered figure in the steel suit of armour beside Cyrus, it was cold but yet oddly soft and had an extremely young and prominent female tone to it.
Merek grunted in agreement.

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