Act 10

46 4 1

The bodies swung back and forth in the harsh wind.

A wooden sign hung via a rope around each neck.
A tall post supported the bodies above the road.

"I like what you've done to the place, made it feel so welcoming"
Aeolus sat tall and proud on his horse.

"It had to be done, they deserved it!"

"I only jest Lord Merek, if I were in your position, I'd have done the same, in fact, I admire you for it!"
Merek peered over at him.
"The four men you captured, have they spoken yet?"

Merek was to the point.
His face was stern and his eyes fixated themselves back onto the hanging corpses.

"I fucking hate this place, I want to be behind thick city walls, in a warm bed, I can't stand it here".
He didn't even blink, just stayed eyes agape at the bodies.

"It's the isolation isn't it?"

"I don't know".

"I got it for some time, then I soon began to find solace in military camps, they're my home".

"I won't find solace in them anytime soon"

An awkward silence lingered in the harsh air for some time, before it was broke.
"Three hundred, three hundred horsemen".
Merek spoke, still focusing on the bodies.

"Excuse me?"

"Before you showed up, around three hundred men charged the village they slaughtered half of The Silver Stones, then you came in and killed all of 'em, but that's still three hundred more men than we thought they had, that's why they didn't attack for so long. They could've stormed the village, burnt it and killed me but they didn't, they were just getting more soldiers as we were busy getting more, we can't fight them on the open road, or land we simply don't know enough about them."
Merek gave a few seconds to think.

"When I talked to the Innkeeper and from the information I was handed prior to heading out this way, I was told that they ride out to villages and force the inhabitants to give them their food and arms, if we could find out their routes we could start attacking their caravans, it'll reduce their soldiers and put them into hiding at their castle, keep this up for a month or so and they won't have enough food to wait out a siege!"

The sound of a horn bellowed in the distance, no not of a war horn. A simple, yet nonetheless eerie horn.

A soldiers voice echoed through the village. Merek kicked at his stirrups, tugged at his reigns and rode to the gate.

"Riders my lord!"

"Are they foe, friend or neither?"

"I am not sure my lord! They carry the banners of King Rodrick!"

"Then friend!"
Merek turned to Aeolus "I hope,"
"Open the gates!"

The thick wooden gates rubbed across the floor lifting settled dirt.
Men rode forth from the road, full plate armour, exquisite swords, bright yellow feathers protruding from their helms, halberds reaching up high in the sky, even their horses were a fine silver.

A carriage rode in the middle, at least fifty men surrounded it. A small man in fine clothes scurried off his horse and opened the door.

"Lord Merek Kawolskii of Dune Wvronikopf and of the Kingdom of Kypris!"
The small man coughed before continuing, he shook from the brisk air making a slight stutter in his voice, which he tried his best to hide.
"I present to you, Lord Valorous Umberwvert of Dune Yupron! Hand to the King and-"

"Quit talking Horald!"
A voice called out from the carriage as a foot emerged and soon a tall man. He was freshly shaven, had his hair cut very recently and wore a robe of the finest materials, covered by a thick fur coat which had been dyed in glorious colours; reds, blues, oranges, yellows you name it, it had it, all in an uneven pattern reaching up its length.

"I and Lord Merek have been acquainted before! I was the man who hired him in the first place! Your purple eyes are a delight to see, once again!"
He gave a friendly smile accompanied by a polite nod.

"Forgive me Valorous, but I was not aware you'd be coming if I had known I would have shaven this morning and bathed an hour ago"

"Ah, no need to apologies Merek! And please call me Val, it bores even me to hear people say my full name and your current demeanour fits the Merek from the stories, ruggedly handsome I say!"

Merek gave a nod and a smile.
"Forgive me, but I am not one for conversations right now, what brings you?"

"Ah down to business, I love it!
The King wishes to speak with you, we have come to escort you back!"

"I would gladly accept, but if you can see I am not in any shape to leave the camp!"

"I wish it were that simple to just refuse, Merek I do, and I understand your wanting to stay however a kings request is a kings command!"

"Merek may I interrupt, you shan't reject the king, I am here alongside Aella, Sir Tranos and Sir Pauliver, we can make do whilst you are gone, I will arrange for the carriages to be attacked on the roads and to prepare for the siege!"

Merek judged Aeolus carefully, they had a strong hatred for one another however they trusted each other.
"Fine, however before the siege can commence we will need to starve them out for at least a month-"

"That is a month that we do not require you!"
A friendly voice came from behind Merek. Aella had clearly come out to see what was going on.

"What are you saying?"
Merek turned his attention to her.

"Merek no offence, but you simply aren't cut out for this, for commanding armies, for a place like this any of it, don't get me wrong you are doing a bloody good job of it but we can all see it, in your eyes, your emotions everything. You need a break. Take this opportunity to stay at Kent for a while, if the King lets you!"

"Aella I'm fine!"

"No you're not Merek, we have all-"

"I am not leaving my men!"

"Then you can just go fucking insane in front of all of them!"
Merek took a long breath.
He hated this place, and even he wanted nothing more than to be behind thick city walls, with hot food and a warm bed and the bellow of the lively streets outside.

"Fine, go find Cyrus he will come with me!"

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