Act 6

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Five weeks had passed.
Five weeks of pure nothingness.
Cyrus had arrived a week prior with the fifty-six men from Dune Wvronikopf but even then, it was uneventful.

It was a night to be feared, the unholy screams in the far off distance, a darkness so cruel that it would prevent anything from seeing the tip of a tree or five meters ahead of them.
Wind hurried across the ground, being chased by a strong force of rain, dark clouds of monstrous sizes rolled over the sky suffocating the world and only allowing the odd star to see into the land.

Merek stood in the exposed doorway of a hut.

"Do you think Aella will be back, or do you think her rebellion has got her caught up?"
Merek spoke, still peering out into the exposed moor.

"She'll be back, and with the men trust me Merek."
Cyrus' voice could be heard from inside the hut.
"I mean, I'm back aren't I?"

"Aye you are sadly"
Merek gave a slight chuckle.
"But you came back a week ago. Means she is a week late"

"Shishka is further away than Kypris, plus she has more men. Don't worry Merek!"

A blue flash lit the monstrous clouds, exposing their threatening shapes.

"I hate Autumn, is just miserable"
Merek exclaimed with a calm look stretched across his face.

"Ah don't be like that, see for me Autumn is where life begins, the prologue of life!"

Merek turned to face Cyrus.
"I thought that was spring?"

"Oh Merek, no, see spring is hmm let's say the first chapter of life, actually imagine you are having sex with a fine maiden-"

Merek laughed.
"What! Ahaha!"

"No no! Stay with me Merek, you are having sex ok? And Autumn is the semen, the very start, spring is the giving birth, the spring of life! And winter, well that's the miserable shit between the sex and birth!"

"Aha! Sorry, Cyrus, I do not agree with your analogy! Haha!"
Cyrus laughed as well, Merek had missed him. Being around village folk, and the screams at night really did get to you.

"My lord!"
Tranos galloped through the rain on a large mare. Behind him were two of the men Merek had recruited in the tavern.
"My lord we've spotted carriages moving down the highway! Heading for Aloh!"

Merek gave a stern face accompanied by a strict voice.
"Ready the men Tranos! Make a blockade on the highway!"

Merek dashed for his sword and glared at Cyrus.
"Where are my men? You've been here a week and I have even seen them"

"They're all in the tavern, been sleeping there as well".

The tavern was filled with warmth and friendliness. Soldiers in full suits of armour laughed and clanged mugs, groped and kissed young girls who giggled and blushed.
A man marched towards Merek.
He seemed older than Merek, with a large scare stretched across his face and blinding his right eye.

"Merek! How have you been you old fucker, haven't seen to us yet?"
The man laughed and embraced Merek.

"Pauliver there isn't a time for that, ready-"

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