Act 13

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The room was alive. Laughter. Cheering. Merek did not want to enter, he stood in his expensive outfit with Cyrus beside him, his purple eyes flickering over everyone in the room.

"Ahh, master Merek!"
Horald moved into the hallway,
"Your seat is just next to the king right there, next to Valorous, well come on! The food is about to be brought out!"

Merek followed Horald into the room, and like that, it fell silent.
Yes, there was the odd bicker and laugh from those unaware or who simply didn't care but for others.
Well, they all stared.

A man from the back yelled. His hands tight around his thighs and his elbows sticking out, clearly proud of himself.

"What do you mean imposter! Purple eyes, you see them!"
Another voice, defending Merek.

"Baaah it is but a trick, a joke!"
Merek stared into the crowd, unease building up in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to jump out a window.

The king stood from his seat laughing.
"Ladies! Gentleman, lords and nobles! This is the Merek of Dune Wvronikopf, this is The Green Hooded Crow!"


"I thank you for helping our kingdom!"

"You helped my son!"

"You nearly wed my daughter!"
Merek nearly laughed at the last one, someone had clearly thrown that in there as a joke.

Valorous rested his hand on Merek's shoulder, leading him through the gossiping crowd.

"Merek about earlier, I understand that you have come forth from a ghastly place and I understand this sudden change in atmosphere may not be the greatest, I apologise for my attitude and for the threat, it meant naught!"

Merek nodded and replied, with a friendly smile,
"Val it's ok, I was rude to your young king, however, I stand by what I said, he does not care about those people"

"No offence Merek, he is a king and that land means naught to him, he has other matters".

"That's no excuse for letting men, women and children fall into the hands of that place! Raped women on the road, dead children!"

Valorous gave a sharp glare at Merek.
They were both put-off guard when the music started to play.
A lovely tune from a flute.
Exquisite food was brought out, steaming from their platters within a few moments the large room was filled with the mouth-watering smell of; chicken, turkey, swan, roasted vegetables and pies.

Some surge ran through Merek, his appetite was gone.
A little man came with plates of food. Merek, for his own health, forced himself to pick some food and eat. Even if he wasn't exactly hungry, it tasted amazing. The mixtures of tastes flowed through his mouth.

Richard leant to Merek.
"We let in the odd special townsmen if word has spread they may all come to you!"

"Why, why let townsfolk in?"

"Ah you see, it shows I care for my people, they get their own table of course however they get as much food as we get and get to take as much of it home after the feast as they can! And within reason can go up to any lords and nobles sat on benches with the red cloth!"

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