Act 8

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The population of the village prior to Merek's arrival was around fifty.
Now that scale just shot up.

"I know you've only been here a while but we need to set up fortifications, now!
You and Merek can chat later but we have no idea how many more men may ride down that hill!"

Pauliver strutted forward, a frown on his face.
Another horseman rode forth.
He had a lack of a helmet and instead showed off his grey beard and hair.

Merek bowed his head, in respect, not friendliness.

The man's voice was harsh and croaky.
"Thought you'd have more respect for a true army, not this miserable, unorganised pile of shit, you should say my name for what it is I have a title"

"Ahh and a wonderful reunion with the old bastard! Nice to meet you again!"
Cyrus strode out of the sheriff's hut with a comical hand wave and a sarcastic tone towards Aeolus.

"Oh Cyrus the comedian!"
Aeolus grimaced.
"You two should pay better respect to me, I'm here for you!"

Cyrus went to say something but was quickly cut off by Merek.
"Our apologies Strategos Aeolus, I'm going to have a word with Polemarch Aella".

Merek gave a hand gesture and Aella demounted her horse and strutted towards him, they both moved parting a sea of people and entering a hut.

"Why is he here?"
Merek interrogated Aella, and pulled up an old chair as he did so.
She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"The other three-hundred soldiers, that's why Merek!"

"So he couldn't just send you with the soldiers alone? You're a Polemarch! Does he not trust you enough?"
She grunted.

"Yes, he does trust me! But you know how this works, we are leading a rebellion, we are busy, if we kept on fucking about with you we'd lose the country of Shishka! We only help you because of your power in Kypris, you're best friends to the king and sadly I am one of your friends Merek, if I came alone he'd probably believe I came as a friend and not for business! Whereas if he is here, he'll expect you to help later on!"

Shishka was in open rebellion and had been for nearly thirty years. In that time Aella had been one of the leaders and so had Aeolus, however, Aeolus led the entire army. In within the thirty years, they had saved Merek from death, in return, he gave them important documents of a weapons carriage which the rebellion quickly took possession off on the open road. Ever since then it had been a cycle back and forth of, Merek lending a hand, then them lending a hand then repeat. Not only this but due to Merek's lordship and how close he is to Rylan Goold, the king of Kypris, he had become a powerful and influential ally to the Shishkans rebellion.

As for Aeolus, he'd always despised Merek.
They first met when Merek was naive and young, he'd done some regretful things and didn't quite understand the situation Shishka was in.
First impressions count.
Not only this but he saw Merek as a lord who didn't deserve that title, Merek had always been disgusted at the thought of having other responsibilities other than being a mercenary or sword for hire.

"That's not just why he is here, is it?"

"What do you mean?"

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