Act 17

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The room still seemed too large; few guards stood at their posts, and an empty throne sat prominently in the centre with great tables sat isolated and empty.

"This way Merek". Valorous beckoned him to come over. He walked towards him however his eyes were fixated on the ceiling. It seemed so unique, it had such fine tapestries all covering up the rich and dark wood underneath.

Valorous led Merek to a small and dimly lit room.

"Ah Merek! Finally, I hope you come holding good news?"
The King marched across the room.

Merek took a moment to judge his surroundings. Lanterns hung from the walls, a carpet laid across the floor, swords on the walls, two soldiers at the door, a stranger sat at a large table in the room, a map spread across the table. A map? There was something wrong with it, Merek had studied the land and all its borders copiously making sure that he would never be out of a country or to always have the right paperwork to move into a country, this all naturally came with his job.

Merek ignored the foreign King and swiftly moved towards the table.
His eyes scanned the map, yes the borders were right but what was he missing. Wait, no. The borders. They weren't right.
The Boswordian borders had been expanded...
Over Argentum.

"You're giving Argentum to the Boswordians" Merek's voice was sharp and cold.

"It is for the best" Rodrick spoke up. "Merek I had to its for the-"

"How is it for the best!" Merek snapped back, his Purple eyes dilated and his fist shook from the innermost guilt and rage which sprouted inside his chest.
"You used me! Oh and do you know, do you honestly know what they will do to the people in Argentum!"

"Of course I do, but I had to do it!"


The King sat silent for a minute.
"I wish to expand my Kingdom, Argentum is just a burden for me and my people, I have to protect that region from itself and Boswordia every day and for that, I can't expand, I can't protect my own city sufficiently, half my vessels insult me behind my back, calling me weak, my people are starving. We use to rely on Aregtum's silver to buy food just for the capital, look around Merek how many farms did you see coming up here? None is the answer and Boswordia will help me expand!"

"So what, Boswordia will lend you soldiers to wage war with another Kingdom? Just so your soldiers can do the same thing Boswordia did to you all those years ago!"

"I'm a king Merek, I have to think about my people before other people!"

"You're no King, you're a weak, blind fool"

"How dare you!"

"Fuck you!"

"Guards seize this man! Take him down to the coldest and smallest cell you can find!"

Valorous' eyes expanded in a fit of panic.
"My King you can't! You can't!"

"I can do what I like! I'm King! Or will you accuse me of not being one and join him!"

"No never, but you cannot arrest this man"

"I can and will, I'll also have his stupid purple eyes gouged out, then have his cursed head!"

"No you can't, if you kill him the Kypris army will be at our doorstep and so will all their allies!"

"I have Boswordia on my side"

"Aye my Lord, but Kypris has powerful allies they could easily destroy us and Boswordia! Ransom him out to his King, they are close friends!"

"Fine but find that cell!"

"No, we cannot mistreat him. He will just go off and get his King to attack you if we do!"

"Then what should I do!"

"Put him in a nice room feed him and treat him well!"

"Fine, you handle it Valorous".

A week had passed; a raven had landed, clutching the commands of a king in its talons, it's screeching made apparent through the echoing halls.

Merek stared at the ceiling, his head resting on a soft pillow.

"I've seen Argentum, I know why you are struggling to find the good in all this"
Valorous voice pulled Merek's attention from the melancholy ceiling.

"I didn't hear you come in" He took a sigh
"I'm still getting paid right?"

Valorous laughed.
"I managed to convince Rodrick that it would be an insult to you and anyone else who worked for him if he didn't pay you"

"How much do I actually get?"

"It's being loaded onto a cart now, a lot of Silver was left in the vault and Boswordia also chipped in and gave you some".

"Of course they did, I removed their only obstacle".

"Come on, Rylan has paid your ransom you can go, Sir Tranos is waiting for you"

"Do you know Tranos, he said he got knighted here?"

"Ha do I know him, the sly bastard, of course, I know him he was a general in my regiment, he and a lot of soldiers protected an entire village from Boswordian soldiers he's a good commander and a good lad"

Valorous led Merek to the city gates where Merek departed towards the army of Silver Stones. The Silver Stone's army had all changed. It was like a field of yellow, they're armours had been engraved with odd patterns their surcoats were all a vibrant yellow as always but so was their armour, they'd been cast in some odd metal.

"Guessing this is where you share went?"
Merek rode towards Tranos.

"Not even half, they've all been paid as well".

"As for the rest?"

Tranos smiled.
"The Shishkan's took their half my half is being transported out the country as we speak, you are aware of what this means right?"

"Yes, Boswordia will turn up to Argentum and won't find any silver, we all have it but there is more"

"What's that?"

"King Rodrick was allying with Boswordia, he used us. So Boswordia finding no silver means they won't be too happy, they'll either march back home and break the alliance or they'll try to take over Kent"

Tranos took a large sigh and glanced over his army.

"What will you do now Tranos?"

"Go to other countries and see if anyone else needs to hire the Silver Stones, damn I might even expand it"

The wind rushed through his hair as he stared over at his friend, Cyrus.
Winter was approaching and Merek knew that getting to Boswordia was the most important thing at the moment, he would have to sit out the winter there as well.

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