Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Where the hell have you been?" The question came from a dimly lit kitchen as Luca walked through the front door.

He stopped and turned on the living room light to get a better view.

Zach was snacking on apple slices on the kitchen counter and if the look on his face was anything to go by, he was angry.

"What up man?" Luca asked trying to lighten up the mood. He just had the best night of his life and he wasn't going to let Zach's foul mood get him down.

"Where have you been all day? I haven't seen you once." Zach stood up straight from the counter he was leaning against.

"I have been busy. Look bro I'm soaking I'm going to take a shower and I'll be back okay?" Luca asked and strolled towards his door. Leaving behind a very grim Zach.

It was half an hour before Luca emerged out of his room with hair still dripping wet. He went into the kitchen and poured himself a cup of warm coffee before joining Zach in the living room. He was ready to face the music.

Zach waited impatiently as Luca took his sweet time to shower and get ready. He wanted to talk to him and figure out what the hell was going on. He felt out of the loop and he didn't like it one bit.

Luca sat in a chair across from Zach. He took a long sip of his coffee before finally looking up at Zach.

"You better have spent some part of your busy day talking to Megs." Zach started.

Luca nodded at him and look another sip of his warm beverage. Zach let out a small growl of frustration.

"Well care to tell me what is going on then? I saw Megs earlier at dinner and she didn't look like her happy self so I am assuming you saw her after?"

Luca felt the guilt rise up in him as he heard Zach's words. He regretted ever hurting Megan. He didn't do it intentionally but he still felt guilty all the same. He thought about how devastated she looked when he first saw her that night. How unsure and insecure she was even as he tried to explain himself to her. Then his thoughts quickly turned to the part of the night that he would never forget. The part of the night he spent holding Megan, the part he spent kissing her and talking to her.

"I talked to Megs just before I came back." He said unsure of how to tell his best friend that he is dating his younger sister. Suddenly the coffee in his mouth was too bitter and the temperature in the room was too hot.

"And...?" Zach pushed him on. Not afraid of letting his annoyance show.

"And," Luca started dragging the word out, "we talked and fixed things up."

Zach shifted in his seat.

"Luca I didn't push you before when you didn't tell me what was wrong between you two but now I want to know. Why were things so strained between the two of your to begin with?" Zach asked sternly. He wanted to know if Megan admitted her feeling to Luca, without giving away the fact that he knew about his sister's feelings already. If she hadn't told him how she felt, he didn't want to embarrass her by letting him know.

Luca finished off his coffee and got up. He went to the sink to run some water in his cup and rinsed it out before shoving it into the dishwasher.

He turned back to Zach. He stood up straight and held himself tall as he spoke.

"I saw Megs tonight and we are going out to dinner tomorrow." He said, bracing himself for an attack.

"Okay." Zach drawled out the word. "That's great but you didn't answer my question."

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