Chapter 34

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Megan fluttered her eyes open at the bright light coming through the tiny gap in her curtains. She internally groaned and tried to turn around, but she quickly realized that she was stuck. A warm body was pressed against her back, almost like a wall, and a heavy arms was draped around her upper body. Megan felt her lips twitch up into a smile. After more than a year together she thought she would be used to this, but she wasn't. She still couldn't believe that she was here. Laying next to the man that she loved, she had dreamed about this, when she allowed herself to explore into the wildest corners of her mind, but it was never something that could be real. She almost pinched herself to ensure that she wasn't in fact dreaming. But she wouldn't because if it was a dream, she never wanted to wake up from it.

"It's way too early for you to be thinking so much." The husky voice came from behind her, and she felt the arm around her tighten.

Megan pondered staying quiet, letting him think that she was still asleep. They were both up late last night taking care of some last minute errands, and she knew he would have a long day today.

Before she could even close her eyes again, she was flipped over and facing a pair of gorgeous green eyes.

"You're graduating today." She said softly. The pit in her stomach was back. It was something that kept sneaking up on her a lot lately.

"Oh is that's what's happening? I thought those black robes we got yesterday were for my Hogwarts admission." Luca smirked.

Megan shook her head at him. "Sorry to disappoint, but you are way too old for that."

Luca narrowed his eyes, and frowned. "What do you mean I am way too old?"

Megan's eyes lit up. "Well you are are pretty much a senior citizen now. I am pretty sure I spotted a grey hair on your head the other day. I didn't want to say anything, because I know how vain you a-" She didn't get to finish the sentence as Luca suddenly grabbed her and flipped her under him.

His eyes flashed wickedly, as he brought his lips down on hers. It didn't seem to matter how many times they kissed, every time they connected Megan felt sparks. That was another thing she thought she would get used to. Her whole body warmed up instantly. Luca's hand skimmed down her cheek, down her neck, and gently cupped her breast through the t-shirt she stole from him last night. His fingers teased her nipples while his mouth played with hers. She felt herself wanting more, needing more.

He abandoned her breast and moved his fingers down to the hem of the t-shirt. He pulled his mouth from hers, and stared at her while she took a short breath in. He skimmed his fingers over her thigh, slowly appreciating its softness. Megan held her breath as his eyes maintained their contact with hers. A few more inches and his fingers found her wetness. His eyes sparkled with amusement.

"So, old men do this for you huh?" Luca asked, moving his fingers in a way that drove her crazy.

"That's not from you. I was dreaming of the guy from that movie we saw the other day." They both knew she was lying.

Luca's eyes darkened, and pulled his fingers away. "Dreaming of another man, when your boyfriend is in bed beside you? Tsk tsk." He shook his head and started to get off the bed.

"Geez" Megan announced, grabbing his arm to pull him back to her. "I didn't realized you would be so sensitive. It's a huge turn off Luca." She teased.

Luca pressed his lips together, it looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Then why are you dragging me back to bed?"

Megan shrugged. "A girl's got needs." She said trying to keep her voice as steady as she could. Confidence was something that Luca enabled in her. After over a year together, she was completely comfortable with sharing her body with him. He made her feel desirable, sexy, wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2018 ⏰

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