Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The school coffee shop was not the best, but with the right company one could actually mange to finish their drink.

They were going to meet up elsewhere but with the busyness of school, and her time with Luca, it was nearly impossible to find time.

The rain splattered on the windows made it tough to see outside, but she knew it was pouring down hard. She could hear the pitter patter of the drops hitting against the window and the pavement.

She was fifteen minutes early, and her jacket was soaked. She hung it behind her chair and looked around the room. It was packed; she got the only open table.

The students came here between classes to get a quick snack and coffee. Even though the taste was terrible, they suffered through it for the warmth it provided.

After about ten minutes he finally came in. He paused at the doorway and scanned the crowd trying to spot her. Her gorgeous brown hair was a dead giveaway, along with the fact that she was still so beautiful that she stood out even in such a packed room.

He closed the space between them and gently tapped on her shoulder. Her face cracked open a huge smile as she turned and jumped into his arms. He chuckled, giving her a tight squeeze before letting her go gently.

"I missed you Megs." He said with his southern drawl.

"And I missed you cowboy." she sat back down resting her eyes on his face.

He looked tired, with dark shadows beneath his eyes. His face looked thinner, and the vibrant color he usually had was replaced with a dull, pasty look.

Michelle's illness was taking a huge toll on him, and she completely understood why. He was in love with her. It was something Megan could relate to.

They both got up to order their coffee and brought their cups back to the table with them. Once they were situated Ryan spoke.

"How have you been?" he asked softly. He was afraid that he hurt her when he left. He knew she understood, but he couldn't help but think that his sudden departure was hurtful to a certain degree.

She took a sip out of her cup, tasting the burnt taste of the coffee and grimaced as the warm liquid ran down her throat.

"I've been well." She looked up at him shyly. She hadn't told him about Luca yet, and she knew now was not the right time to tell him so she continued. "School has been keeping me busy."

In reply he remained silent, taking small sips of his own drink.

Megan reached out and placed her hand gently on top of his, "How is Michelle?" she asked.

He met her eyes with a steady gaze, giving her a small smile, "She is undergoing chemotherapy finally. It's way too early to tell what the outcome is going to be. But she has finally found a reason to fight, and knowing her she is going to fight till the end." His face turned proud.

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