Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Megan was shifted back home, but she was given strict orders to not leave her bed for the next week. She took care of e-mailing her professors and explaining her situation, and they granted her with extra time to work on the course materials.

It was Sunday afternoon and she was getting more and more nervous. Luca hadn't come to see her since the day before.

She wouldn't have minded except for his whole family came to wish her the best of healing and he hadn't joined them. She got even more anxious after Vicky told her what he was doing instead of visiting her.

"Luca sends his best, but he said his old fling keeps calling him." Vicky frowned slightly, "so he is going to finally call her back and talk things out." She finished with a grimace.

Megan stayed quiet, staring out of the window. Vicky couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt take over her.

If only she never asked Megan out the other night. If only she managed to stay back at McDonalds a little longer. If only she was a better driver. If only, if only, if only...

So many thoughts flew through her head as she stared at the delicate features of Megan's face. There was heavy bruising along her jaw, and down her neck. She was also adorned in gauze from the neck down.

Her eyes were smaller than usual, and there was a certain longing on them that she couldn't exactly place. Vicky just figured it was from the lack of movement, and deep sleep. All those pain medications she had been taking kept on waking her up from vivid dreams.

She was drowsy, but she refused to sleep due to the horrible dreams that nested inside her head.

She was still staring out of the window when Ryan came to sit beside her bed.

His voice was gentle, "Hey Megs."

She turned to him slowly, feeling the slight throbbing in her neck, as she moved it. It was going to take a while for the pain to subside.

"Hey." She said back, as strongly as she could, but unfortunately it wasn't as strong as she would have liked.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her leaning over to take her hand in his. He drew gentle circles across the back of it.

Smiling, Megan shifted in her bed. Pulling herself a little higher up.

"I'm okay. Just sore. How are you?" she asked gently.

Ryan laughed at her, "Well seeing as I am not the one that got hit by the 7000 pound pickup truck, I would say I'm doing pretty dandy."

"It was 7000 pounds? Really? Then why does it feel like I got hit by more?" she joked.

"Well 7000 give or take." He said with a shrug.

Megan clenched her stomach as she started laughing. It was very painful but she couldn't help it. She didn't know why she found that so funny, but she did.

Ryan tightened the grip on her hand by grasping it with both his hands. They continued to laugh.

They laughed for so long, that they didn't even know why they were laughing in the first place.

It wasn't until the heard a noise from the doorway did they both stop to catch their breath.

"I can see you have company so I'll be quick." Luca glowered as he came through the door, carrying a midsized teddy bear.

"Oh no it's about time for me to take off." Ryan got up onto his feet and leaned over Megan.

"I'll see you soon Megs." He promised her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, before heading out of the room.

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