Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

The loud ringtone from her phone was endless. She hoped that if she ignored it, it would eventually stop, but it didn't. Her somber sleep was interrupted by the noise over and over again. After the fifth time she finally gave up and rolled in her sheets, searching for the little device tucked away somewhere between her pillows.

The bright light from the tiny screen, against the darkness of her room, was too sudden and blinding. She flinched at the sharp pain that hit her eyes briefly before becoming adjusted to the light.

"Vicky." She said settling back down on her pillows. She squinted at the digital clock in her room, and saw that it was three in the morning.

"Meg!" The warm voice screeched from the other end.

Megan grimaced at the loudness. She had just gone to bed at one and now she was up again. Why was Vicky calling her at this hour?

"Hey!" Megan replied excitedly. She was completely beat out, but she loved Vicky, and knew that she would be able to surpass her tiredness but just talking to Luca's energetic sister.

"What are you doing?" Vicky asked with a chuckle.

Megan rolled her eyes, "I was just about to go milk the cows." She replied trying to be sassy, which was definitely something new for her.

Vicky always brought out the sarcastic side of Megan. It was probably due to the fact that Vicky always asked the most obvious questions, just to be funny.

"Well the milk can wait. I am about to drive down to your house, so get dressed and meet me outside." The older girl informed Megan on the phone.

Megan shot up in her bed, "Now?" she asked already getting out of bed. She hadn't seen Vicky in a while, and she was above ecstatic to see her now, even at this hour.

"Yes. I am almost there. The kids are safe asleep with their dad and I figured you and me could have some girl time before everything got crazy tomorrow." Vicky finished.

"Okay. But aren't you going to be tired tomorrow?" Megan asked concerned. Vicky has a busy day ahead of her, and she didn't want her to worn out.

"We will only be gone for an hour I promise. I can't sleep anyway because of jet lag." She replied.

Soon Megan was seated in the posh car with two seats. It was not a family car by any means, but it did belong to Vicky. She had it gifted to her by her loving husband, who knew all about her wild party ways. Even though she loved the parties and the glamour, Megan knew Vicky would give all that up just to take care of her children. She loved her kids as much as any other mother in the world, if not even more.

"I swear you get prettier each time I see you!" Vicky said when they were stopped at a red light.

Megan's blush disappeared under the red glow from the light, but Vicky knew she was blushing.

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