Chapter 10

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"Sandor watched as Zyta lead the way, her ass swaying and her dress tight. He smirked to himself as she walked in front of him. When they reached the door she turned around and looked at him. But he beat her to talking, "so am I invited in?"

"Yes." Zyta said with a smirk.

Zyta's heart was beating fast in her chest as she opened her chambers door. But she wasn't nervous, knowing that Sandor wouldn't hurt her or force himself on her. She walked to a table in the corner and started to pour two glasses of wine.

Sandor walked into the room, noticing it was modest. Zyta didn't have any paintings on the wall or expensive jewelry on display like he thought someone of her kind would have. Instead she had book shelf's going up to the ceiling, filled with a bunch of different colored, shaped, and length books. All over the room, there were vases of flowers. Roses seemed to be her most favorite flower.

"Have you read all of these books?" Sandor asked as he sat down on a chair, excepting the wine, even though he didn't like how sweet it was.

"Most, some are in Dothraki and Old Valyrian but I'm learning." Zyta sipped on her wine and flipped over a book that was laying on the table. It was a book about the North and what animals are found there.

"You say it like its the easiest thing in the world, Little Flower." Sandor drank his wine and noticed grapes on the table. He picked some and popped them into his mouth.

"Time and effort. It doesn't help that a lot of people don't know how to speak it."

"You're smart." Sandor stood up and went to one book shelf and started to read the titles. He picked one up and read the title, "The Old Gods and The New". "Who do you believe in?"

"I'm not sure. If there's gods, why is there rapists and murderers in the world? But if there isn't any, who in their right mind would come up with all of them." Zyta got
up and walked towards her flower vase, the roses were dying, and took them out. She throw them in the waste basket and sat down again.

"I've killed people before." The Hound stated. Zyta looked up and smiled sadly at him, he continued. "I like it. The thrill of killing, knowing that you get to live and that cunt doesn't."

Zyta laughed a little confusing Sandor. "Seems delightful."

Sandor didn't get the girl. He didn't know why he asked to come in. And he didn't want to have sex knowing that he would get executed if he took the princess virginity before she was married. But the gods knew he wanted to. He decided that it was time to go, before anything more can happen between them. "I'll see you in the morning Little Flower."

"Are you fighting tomorrow?" Zyta asked looking up at Sandor. She didn't want him to fight, the thought alone gave her anxiety.

"No I have to guard your brother."

Zyta smiled sadly and opened the door to her chambers. Sandor started to walk out. He passed Zyta and turned to her, giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Little Flower."

"Goodnight Love."

The Next Morning

"Zyta! Wake up! Your mother wants you down for breakfast and than you'll be going to the tournament!" Mary shock the young lady awake. Each time Zyta just rolled over. "I've picked out a dress and you're bath is already drawn. Please get up! Your mother will have my head!"

"I'm up!" Zyta yelled as she rolled over and opened her eyes. "How much time do I have to get ready?" Zyta questioned.

"An hour. Now go get in the bath." Mary demanded. Zyta and her had an odd relationship. Growing up with Mary was a hand maiden, Mary became a second mother. Doing everything for Zyta but making sure she can do it all by herself too. Zyta taught Mary how to read and write, and gave her a education that she other wise wouldn't have had.

The Hounds Flower {Sandor Clegane}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin