Chapter 20

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Daenerys was in awe as Zyta lead the way up to the Dragonstone castle. She heard stories about the Baratheon girl, how she was kind but fierce. Dany wondered why she didn't want the Iron Throne, but decided not to ask. 

"There is enough rooms for you all, some people might have to sleep with others, but I assume that won't be a problem." Emmett Freeman, Zyta's Hand said. Of course Zyta wasn't a queen, but Emmett acted like a hand and therefore Zyta gave him the title. 

"No problem there, Ser?" Tyrion asked the mans name. Tyrion was still in awe how his niece that was younger than Daenerys, had a whole army fighting for her. 

"Emmett Freeman, and I am no Ser, my Lord." Emmett smiled a boyish grin and walked forward to go talk to one of Zyta's banner men. 

As they walked up the steps to the castle, dragons flew above them. Zyta didn't look up, she just walked onward. But her people looked up, some terrified, some in awe, but most with no fear in their eyes. 

"Tyrion, why aren't they scared of my children?" Daenerys, almost like a little girl, asked her hand. 

Tyrion looked up at her and shrugged his shoulders, "Zyta was always fearless, something she got from her father. I assume she told her people to show no fear, but then again that is not Zyta to refuse emotions." 

Soon all of them were walking into the castle, Zyta gave them time to look at the art and tapestries. "My uncle wanted to leave the castle the way that the Targaryens wanted it to look like. There is only a few artifacts from the house Baratheon." Zyta said. Zyta lead them into the dinning hall, "call an early supper Emmett, tell the people that Queen Daenerys is here and that they should be on their best behavior." 

"Of course my Lady, I'll get the cambers ready also." Emmett walked out the hall, maids following him, ready for orders. 

"You weren't prepared for guests, a Lady should always be ready for a royal visit." Olenna Tyrell scoffed. Olenna hated the girls mother for killing her grandchildren, it was hard to remember that the girl wasn't full Lannister. Zyta still very much looked like her mother. 

Zyta rolled her eyes and took a sit at the high table, "there are some things that you should know about how I run things in Dragonstone. There is no handmaidens to bathe you or dress you. Maids come daily to empty chamber pots and change the bed. If you want a handmaiden you're going to have to pay them to do so. Also, my people come first before anyone in this room." 

"You feed the whole island?" Varys asked. Zyta almost forgot the man was here. Oh how much she disliked him. 

"During winter yes, summer no. But because a queen is here, they should celebrate with us, they deserve a good meal." Zyta said. 

Tyrion smiled at his niece. He knew she would make a good leader. 

"Lady Baratheon! A letter from Jon Snow." A maid yelled running into the room.

"Can it wait, Anne?" 

"I don't believe it can." Anne handed the letter to Zyta, who ripped it open. 

The room filled with people that Zyta thought would never be in the same room at the same time without killing each other, all stared at her while she opened the letter. She read through the letter many times, taken in each word. She felt everyone eyes on her. She rubbed her face a couple of times and then read the letter again. She got up from her seat at the high table and started walking to the fire, she threw the letter in the fire. 

"What did the letter say, Lady Baratheon?" Anne asked. She was a young maid, maybe only 13 years old. 

"Stannis is dead, so is Shireen and his wife. I'm the last Baratheon." Zyta voice sounded numb, it sounded like she was holding back tears. But as the room filled with people from the village below, she smiled at them, she welcomed them. 

Tyrion and everyone else watched as young children didn't even ackowledge their pressence but ran up to their ruler and telling her about their days. She knew their names and their parents names. 

"Your niece is very odd." Daenerys said to Tyrion, he laughed but agreed with her. 

"Everyone! Quiet down! Queen Daenerys and her people are here staying a Dragonstone. You are to treat her people with respect and they you. If anything happens, please tell me, you will not be punished for being truthful. Isn't that right my queen?" 

"Of course." 

"A letter came today from Lord Snow of the Nights Watch, Stannis Baratheon and his heir are dead. I am now the true leader of Dragonstone." Before she could continue there were cheers from the crowd of people. 

"Thank the gods!"

"About time." 

"You are all to kind. Find your seats, lets eat." Zyta ordered her people to get feed before anyone from Daenerys party or herself started eating. Zyta ate when she knew everyone had food before them. 

"She would make a great queen." Daenerys said watching her. 

"Yes she would." 

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