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"Papa! Put me down!"

Zyta was laughing at her husband and their youngest daughter. Jon had her flipped upside down and was spinning her in circles. "Jon, put Lyanna down." Jon put Lyanna down on the sand of Kings and Queens Landing.

"What happened to you being fun?" Jon came up to Zyta and gave her a kiss on the mouth.

"Ew gross. Its to early for you both to be doing that." Their eldest son said to them.

Zyta looked at him, already taller than Jon and her. Samwell said he might be as tall as his biological uncle Gregor. "Sandor, it is not nice to be mean to your parents."

Its been 13 years since A Song Of Ice And Fire was written. A whole chapter of the book was about Zyta and Sandors son. Now Jons son. Sandor knows all about his real father and loves to hear stories about him. But Jon raised him, and his last name was Jon's.

"Now, do you have everything you need?" Zyta asked her husband and her eldest son. Jon was taking all 4 children to the North to see their Aunt Sansa in Winterfell and Uncle Tormund beyond the wall. "You'll write to me twice a week. I want updates on all the children Jon."

"Yes, I'll tell you all about Sandor fighting with Ned, and Cersei and Lyanna braiding each others hair while arguing." Jon said hugging Zyta.

Zyta rolled her eyes and kissed Jon one last time before going to each child, giving them a kiss and hug. When it was time to say goodbye to Sandor, she motioned for a guard to come up, the guard handed her a sword.

"I was going to wait till your 14th name day but I figured you might need to protect your father and siblings." She handed him the sword that Sandor gave to her during the fight at Winterfell with all the white walkers, "Your birth father gave this to me when I went down in the crypts during the great fight at Winterfell. He taught me how to fight and kill, thankfully I never had to use it much. But I want you to have it."

Sandor held it and got in a stance that Jon taught him. He pretended to cut into things and then put it into his holder. "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too son."

Zyta watched as small boats picked up her children and husband and brought them to bigger ships. The ships sails held their house sigil, a three headed monster with one dragons head on the left, a stags head in the middle, and a dire wolf head on the right. A crown broken in half was on the dragons head and wolfs head. The middle head being a stag, instead of a broken crown, a little flower sat on its head. Under the sigil, the name of the house was in white lettering. It read; SNOW.

When Zyta could know longer see the ships, she meet up with the small council. Walking up to the room without Jon felt odd. They did everything together.

"How was it?" Tyrion asked. His hair now all grey from age.

"It was good. They'll be safe." Zyta replied.

"I gave them the best ships my Queen." Ser Davos said. Zyta nodded at him and gave him a small smile.

"Bran, I want you to send a raven to Tormund about them coming, I want him at Castle black when they show up. Lyanna seems scared to go beyond the wall."

The master of whispers nodded his head.

"Now, lets begin."

Thank you all that has read this book from start to finish. It means the whole world to me. I'm really proud of the ending. I wasn't planning on it being the way it ended, but it kind of just worked out that way. I want to say thank you to everyone that has voted and commented on this fic. I love you and I love Zyta. She will forever be my queen. And Sandor will forever be my favorite character. Thank you,

The Hounds Flower {Sandor Clegane}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ