Chapter 31

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Snow was crunching under the hooves of the horses, the wheels of the wagons filled with Dragonglass and food from Zyta's lands filled to the top, threaten to tip over. It was eerily quiet for the amount of people that Zyta could see. The Unsullied lead the way into Winterfell, the Queen and Jon Snow upfront, while Sandor and Zyta where closer to the end. The cold chilled Zyta's bones, her white fur jacket making her look paler than she was. The fur hid her belly, which was only a small bump. 

It seemed like they have been riding into Winterfell for hours. So many people looked at her with disgust, and she understood. The last time she was here, everyone in the Stark family was alive, now there was four. 

Zyta looked up to the sky, she could hear the dragons wings before they came into view. The people of Winterfell screamed and took cover, all fearing for the lives. Zyta only smiled. 

The Unsullied started to move to the left and right, letting the people on the horses move forward. Zyta saw Jon jump off his horse and run to his sister and brother. It's been 4 years since she left King's Landing and last seen Sansa. She made her horse go a little faster, Sandor making his too. 

Sandor got off his horse first, handing the reins of the horse to a Winterfell guard. He walked up to Zyta and helped her get off her horse, "Be careful Little Flower, its been a couple of years." Zyta only smiled at him and fixed his cloak a little. She patted her dress down and walked forward. 

Sansa looked up from staring at Queen Daenerys and meet the eyes of her only real friend in Kings Landing. Sansa smiled and pushed past Daenerys bumping into her shoulder. Daenerys turned around quickly and looked. 

Zyta was walking towards Sansa with tears brimming her eyes, while Sansa did the same thing. The two women meant and just stared at each other before engulfing each other in a hug. 

"I shouldn't have left you all by yourself. I should of made you come with me." Zyta said, her face buried in her friends embrace. 

"If I would of left with you, I wouldn't be Lady of Winterfell." Sansa said letting go, smiling down at her short friend. 

From behind them Daenerys turned to Jon, "I didn't know your sister was friends with Lady Zyta." 

Jon smiled "Neither did I." 

After all reunions, they got straight to work. The went to Winterfells meeting room with all the Lords and Ladies to discuss matters. Zyta was at the high table along side Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, and Sansa. She sat in the middle between Daenerys and Jon. 

"We made Jon Snow the King of the North. Not Daenerys Targaryen. Why should we follow her? Why should we trust a Lannister and a Baratheon? All three houses brought destruction to the North." A lord said, Zyta couldn't name him if he was the only one in the room. Zyta stood up and cleared her throat, making everyone grow quiet. If she was good at one thing, it was talking to people and making them agree with her. It was one of her many Lannister traits. 

"My lords and ladies of the North, I am Zyta Baratheon, the last legitimate Baratheon alive. I was at the island of Dragonstone, knowing that one day Queen Daenerys was going to come and take it back from me. When Queen Daenerys finally came to me, I was weary and skeptical, and I had a right to be. She showed up with over 5,000 solders, solders that have never been in the 7 Kingdoms. Her three dragons came soaring in the sky and I was scared for my life, and my peoples lives. But she didn't take Island away from me, didn't kill anyone, her dragons didn't harm anything on the Island. My family took everything from Queen Daenerys, killed her father, mother, and brother. Dethroned her family and sent her and her last living brother to exile. But I have seen the way she rules, how her people followed her. She is my Queen, the people of Dragonstones Queen, and Jon Snows Queen too." 

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