Chapter 15

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Days turned into weeks as the King and his people rode to Winterfell. Towns that they passed knew they were coming and made sure to have enough food and ale.

When Winterfell was spotted the King stopped and turned to his to oldest children, "Both of you are to meet the Stark children. Zyta you still have to meet with Robb Stark. Joffrey, you Sansa. Be on your best behavior."

Zyta wanted to ask her father why she still had to meet the Stark boy when she was already engaged. Zyta looked at Sandor, but he didn't make eye contact. He put on his helm and rode next to Joffrey. Zyta behind them.

Riding up to Winterfell was beautiful, there was little snow on the ground but that's more that she's seen her whole life. She stopped her horse next to Sandors and gave him a small smile. He didn't return it.

"You've got fat." Zyta heard her father say to Ned Stark. After a moment both of them started to laugh. Zyta zoned out, not paying attention to the Stark children, but paying attention to the castle.

"Zyta, do you think that Sansa girl would be a good wife?" Joffery asked his sister. Joffery loved his sister, even though he made sure no one knew it. They were very close once and he missed it. When he becomes king he wants her by his side, and her opinion on his wife.

Zyta snapped out of her little Day dream and looked at her brother. She was astounded what he had just asked. It wasn't like him. She thought maybe because things were changing he would be nice, but she knew it was to good to be true. "Sansa Stark is very beautiful. It is said that she is good at needle work, singing and dancing. She has younger siblings so most likely good with children." Zyta said to her brother, "but you don't get to pick your wife. Father and mother do."

Joffery thought of what his sister said, all the things true about the young Stark girl. But it didn't matter what he or his sister thought of the girl, he was going to betrothal to Sansa Stark.

Zyta watched as her mother got out of the wheelhouse with her two younger siblings. "My queen." Eddard Stark said while kissing her hand.

"Ned, take me to your crypt, I want to pay my respects." King Robert said.

"My love we've been traveling for a month, surely the dead can wait." Cersei said to her husband. Cersei knew she had to put on a act for all of Winterfell to see. She hated how he made her look, hated how he loved the dead more than her, hated how the first thing he wants to do is see her.

"Now Ned." With that the two men on their way.

Sandor got off his horse first, he handed the reins of Stranger off to one of the servants that the King brought. He walked over to Zyta and helped her off her horse, she said a quick thank you before fixing herself. Joffery got off his own horse fine and handed the reins to one of the men in the Kings Guard.

Zyta walked over to Catelyn Stark and did a curtesy, "My lady. Winterfell is so beautiful."

Catelyn Stark had watched as The Hound took a hold of Zytas hips and got her off her horse. She watched as the man stood very close to her, hand on his sword. Catelyn watched as Zytas had rested on his hand for a moment before they realized what they were doing. She knew love when she saw it, and it was there. None the less, Catelyn curtseyed. "My Princess." Catelyn smiled at her. "Robb why don't you show everyone to their rooms. I'm sure you all are very tired from your journey."

Robb gave a lazy handsome smile to the queen and her children. Robb had to agree with what Theon said a moon ago, Zyta was very beautiful. Her long raven hair pulled up into a tight, neat bun. She had riding pants on that showed off her legs and butt. Black laced up leather boots that went to her thighs. Her royal blue silk shirt was tied loosely around her, her black corset underneath making her beasts show and her waist smaller than anyone woman's Robb has seen. Robb wasn't one for looks, of course they helped, but if he had it his way, Zyta would be his wife. "This way, your graces."

Zyta walked along Sandor. She wasn't nervous about being here in Winterfell. She was nervous of what Sandor might do if Robb Stark made any advances on her. Zyta knew that Sandor was upset that she still had to meet with the young Stark. He tried to hide it, but Zyta saw right through it. 

Robb took them through the castle and pointed out where everything was. Zyta thought that it was very beautiful and seemed to fall back from the group looking at everything. There was one time where Sandor had to pull her along because she was staring at a painting for to long. 

When they finally reached where they were staying, Robb turned around and smiled at the royal party. Zyta had to admit that he was very handsome, and polite. But she knew that she loved Sandor, something that she was tired of hiding to the people in Winterfell. 

"The chambers to the left are the same size. We made sure that there is enough furs for all the royal children and the guards that will be staying with them, there are ten chambers on the left. The chambers on the right are bigger and there is only 4 of them. The one of the end is for Lord Tyrion, we put extra candles in there for him." Robb looked between all the people that were standing before him. Cersei Lannister and her three blonde children. Jamie Lannister that had caught up with them in the middle of the tour from seeing where his little brother had went. Of course Zyta Baratheon, who was the most interested with all the art work the castle had carved in or painting on the walls. And finally Sandor Clegane, who was scarier in person than the stories. Robb didn't seem to notice Sandors hand on the small of Zyta's back. "Is there anything else? Your things will be brought up while you rest before the feast." 

"No, that shall be all. Thank you, Lord Stark." Cersei gave a tight smile that was as fake as her love for the King. She watched as Robb walked down the hall and when she saw that the coast was clear she began talking. "Joff, you're across the hall from Tyrion. Myrcella you're across from Zyta. Tommen across from Uncle Jaime. Hound, you're with Zyta." 

"Mother, Zyta gets a bigger room than I?" Joffery questioned. 

"Yes, your sister has the Hound staying with her, it is only fair." Joffrey didn't say anything else but walked all the way down the hall to the last door on the left. 

"Myrcella come, I'll bring you to your room." Zyta grabbed a hold of her little sisters hand and walked with her. Zyta picked the room next to Tyrion's and opened the door across from hers. Myrcella's room had a big bed with all different types of furs lying on it. Zyta lit a couple of candles for her and bent down to her level. "If you need anything, I'm right across the hall, alright?" 

"Yes Zyta." Myrcella gave her a sweet smile and turned around and jumped on the bed. Zyta laughed and went across the hall to her and Sandors room. Sandor was sitting on the bed, looking out into the courtyard below. 

"At least this place doesn't smell like shit." Sandor said to Zyta, causing her to smile. 

"You're hilarious, you know that right?" Zyta walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, something that Zyta can't do often because of the height difference. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. 

'Maybe Winterfell wouldn't be so bad.' Zyta thought. 

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