Chapter 27

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The ship was making Zyta sick. Waves crushed into the wood making the ship rock slightly. But the view from the deck of the boat was stunning. The sun rise was just peaking over the horizon casting an orange glow onto the dark blue water. Zyta thought that it was one of the most beautiful sights she ever saw. She didn't mind getting ill for this view. But she was tired, it's been about three hours since they left Dragonstone. They left while it was still dark out to get to Kings Landing by noon.

Zyta continued to look out into the water. She turned her head when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She saw her uncle walking up to her. He stood at her right and looked at the sea with her.

"Hello uncle." Zyta said staring out onto the water. The water was a little rough but Zyta knew that the boat can with stand the waves.

"Hows married life?" Tyrion asked. Tyrion was glad that Zyta and the Hound were married now, but he didn't know why they did it so quickly. And he was going to make sure he knew the real reason before they got to Kings Landing.

"Its the same as before we got married. I've been waiting to marry him for five years, I'm glad that it is over with."

"Why yesterday? Did you just want to do it in spite of your mother or is there something else?"

"I'm pregnant." The word pregnant felt foreign on her tongue. Zyta always knew that she wanted to be a mother but not during a war. But she was glad none the less.

"At least one good thing can come out of this." Tyrion said smiling. He had thought she might of been pregnant because of all the sickness she has been getting and how her mood can change like a side of a coin. "Are you ready to see your mother?"

Zyta looked at her uncle. They both changed so much, Zyta never thought she would see her Uncle Tyrion ever again. But here he is, talking to her about her mother. Zyta sighed and turned to the water again, "In some twisted way I missed her. She was a great mother for a while. Then she became power hungry. Yesterday I wanted her there, I wanted her to do my hair and tell me about her and fathers wedding. Even though I heard that story hundreds of times. I wanted her to be in the front row smiling at me. But she wasn't. Mother hasn't been there for me for three long fucking years."

Tyrion saw tears in his nieces eyes, and for the first time in months did he see the girl that left Kings Landing all those years ago. Zyta is so young. The youngest of the people meeting today. Tyrion saw her wipe tears from her eyes and then she looked at him. Her eyes red and her smile wet, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"For being here with me. For being there for me and Sandor. Without you, we wouldn't be together."

"You are very welcome. Now wipe your tears, Cersei can smell sadness from a thousand miles away."


Zyta was walking up front with Tyrion and Jon Snow. Sandor didn't want her near the white walker that he was carrying. She was grateful for that because the smell was horrid. "Do you think we are walking into a trap?" Snow asked from besides her.

"No, the Lannister guards can't beat us, even with the little Dothraki men we have. Cersei will at least sit there and pretend to listen to what we have to say." Zyta replied. Zyta's wished she wore something more comfortable. Her black dress was tight and was not keeping her warm, she had a black silk cloak but it did nothing to stop the cold. Her hair was still in the braided crown from the night before. Sandor wanted her to take her hair out saying she looked like Cersei. But Zyta wanted her mother to think of herself when she looked at Zyta, wanted her mother to feel sadness when her eyes landed on Zyta.

"Look who it is." Tyrion said from beside her. Zyta looked and saw Bronn and Podrick standing there.

"Welcome." Bronn said to Tyrion. His eyes landed on Zyta and he smirked. "Still so beautiful Princess Zyta."

Zyta heard a scuff from the back of the group and she already knew it was Sandor. Zyta rolled her eyes at Bronn, "and you are still revolting. Now lead the way."

Bronn continued to smirk while walking. He always said that she was one of the most gorgeous women he ever saw. He told her that every time he would see her, but she was always with the Hound. And when she wasn't, she didn't want to hear anything from him. He noticed the Hound in the back of the group, "I see you found your man again."

"Yes I have." Zyta rolled her eyes and looked at him. If she wasn't with Sandor she would think that Bronn was handsome. Zyta scuffed at herself 'I do have a type. Brute full men'. She looked on ward, "Now is Cersei there or is she going to make us wait?"

"You will be waiting for only a few moments. Now Tyrion..."

Zyta stopped listening to Bronn and decided to focus on what she might say to her mother. Zyta didn't know how to even start if she would say anything at all. Walking into the Dragon Pit was like walking into a whole different world. Broken walls laid before them, and three sections where formed. All three sections had chairs and a tent over the chairs.

Zyta was the first one to walk up the stairs. She turned around in a circle looking at everything, when she finished turning she was filled with sadness. This pit was filled with bones of dragons, one of the greatest creatures to ever live. Now there was only two left.

Zyta saw Sandor and Tyrion talking and she decided to let them be. Zyta kind of just stood there like an idiot waiting for some direction. "C'mon my lady, your mother is coming."

Zyta turned her head at the voice and saw Theon Greyjoy. He offered his arm and Zyta took it with a kind smile. Tyrion and Sandor followed the two of them into their section. Zyta sat to the left of her uncle and to her uncles right was for Daenerys. Sandor stood protectively behind her, his hand hovering over his sword.

Zyta made eye contact with her mother. Zyta felt like grabbing Sandors sword and killing her right then. But that was just a thought. Zyta soon realized sitting there and looking at her mother that she didn't miss her, Zyta missed the old Cersei. Zyta didn't even recognize the women sitting in front of her.

"Where is she?" Cersei asked looking at Tyrion and then to her daughter. Cersei realized how much her daughter looked like her. She was a black haired version of herself.

"She'll be here." Tyrion answered.

Sandor put his hand on Zyta's shoulder gave it a soft squeeze before he started walking to his brother. Zyta's eyes burned holes into the back of his skull as he walked up. She couldn't hear what was being said. Zyta felt someone looking at her and her eyes snapped to meet theirs.

Cersei was staring at her, hard. Cersei analyzed her face and her body. Zyta looked healthy to her. Zyta also looked grown and tired. She looked harder, and stronger. She also noticed how Zytas dog was back.

Cersei and Zyta stopped staring at each other because the sound of dragons. Cersei got up and looked over head at the dragons. Zyta stayed seated and looked straight. She caught the eyes of her Uncle Jaime. Zyta gave him a soft smile, and to her surprise he returned it.

Daenerys walked up the stone steps and sat down at her chair. She turned and looked at Cersei. Everyone was silent. Zyta cleared her throat and everyone turned to look at her. "Lets get started."

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