Chapter 13

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I flipped off the headlights, careful not to draw attention to the stolen vehicle as we pulled into the parking lot. I could tell Camila was nervous. It was radiating off of her and seeping into my skin. I didn't want her to be nervous. I wanted her to be accepting.

"Camz, we don't have to do this," I told her.

"Can we just go inside?" she said impatiently.

I stepped out of the car and she followed as we entered through the back door of the hotel, tip-toeing quietly to the elevator before I realized I had forgotten to put the spare keys back under the hood of the car.

"Shit, I have to put these back," I whispered, holding them up and dangling them in front of Camila's face so that she could see them in the dim lighting.

"I'm going to go ahead and go up. I'll you up there," she suggested, her voice shaking.

I nodded and sprinted towards the exit, anxious to return the keys before I got caught. I jogged over to the BMW and placed the spare set under the hood, looking through the windows one last to make sure we hadn't left any evidence. I turned to go back inside but stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a light flip on in one of the rooms above me. I saw Camila's small form approach the window and look out, tapping her foot in anticipation for my return. She shut the blinds and I was left staring at the spot where she had just been. I could tell she was nervous even from fifteen stories below her. I cleared my throat and straightened my posture as I began walking forward. I needed to seem confident, even if I wasn't. Camila would never trust me fully if I couldn't even trust myself when it came to the issue. I needed her to see that there would be absolutely nothing to be afraid of, and if it meant that I had to put on a front, I would do it.

I made it back to the room without getting caught and slipped inside, being extra careful to lock the door behind me. I made my way to the bedroom and found Camila sitting on the bed, her leg bouncing up and down as she bit down on her bottom lip. She whipped around to face me as I entered the room, tensing up at the sight of me but relaxing slightly when she noticed that I didn't appear as nervous as I had before.

"Hey," she exhaled, more tension melting off of her as the breath escaped her lips.

I sat on the bed next to her and took her hands in my own, staring into her eyes so intently that she had no chance of looking away.

"Are you sure? Please be sure," I pleaded.

She closed her eyes and nodded her head. "Positive."

I released her hands and she shifted away from me by just a few inches.

" do we start?" she asked.

I let a small chuckle escape my lips but stopped myself when I saw the serious expression on her face. She genuinely had no idea what she was doing. She was so innocent...I couldn't mess it up for her. It had to be perfect.

"Just relax," I prompted as I leaned forward, placing my hand on her hip and pressing my forehead against hers.

"If I hurt you or if you aren't comfortable with anything, please tell me to stop, okay?" I said.

She nodded, and I pulled her closer to me. I felt her breath against my skin as her heart rate increased and it took every muscle in my body not to rip all of her clothes off right then and there. I kissed her, gently at first, but then deepened it as I felt her press into me. Her hands snaked around my neck and gripped the hair at the base of my skull. I could feel her fingers trembling as she pulled herself even closer to me. I sucked gently on her bottom lip and ran my tongue along it, and she let out a soft moan in response. I slipped my tongue inside the second I got the opportunity, exploring the inside of her mouth. I pushed down on her hip and she removed her hands from my neck, using them to crawl backwards to the middle of the bed. I followed, climbing on top of her and straddling her, one leg between both of hers and the other against her side. I kissed the soft spot behind her ear and she craned her neck in response, granting me easier access as I brushed my lips against her neck. I sucked on her pulse, her hands gripping the shirt on my back. I sat up and pulled it over my head, throwing it on the ground and getting right back to work. I kissed her again but pulled away, bringing her up with me as I sat back up and toyed with the hem of her t-shirt. I pulled it over her head and let my eyes wander. She looked away, clearly self conscious, and I wondered if I had crossed a line.

Should Have Known (Camren)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora