Chapter 41

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February, 2014

Nothing changed. No signs were given. No hints were dropped. Camila never admitted that she wanted me back, and I wasn't sure she was ever going to, so neither did I. On the other hand, we didn't drift apart again. She didn't push what happened aside and forget about it. We became closer again, as if slowly breaking down her walls again was allowing me back into her heart. I knew it would take time, but in the back of my mind I felt like it was happening. We didn't kiss again. In fact, we hardly even touched each other except for an innocent hug or cuddle here and there, but we didn't drift apart. For once, a step forward didn't send us ten steps back.

All of us had to spring into high gear the minute we returned to LA from the lake house. We were all reluctant to go, but the announcement of Demi's tour gave us more than enough motivation to get back to work. Every single day consisted of rehearsal and sound check, making sure everything was on track before the tour started. We worked for over three weeks until we could hardly stand, and five days before the tour was set to begin we were nearly ready to go. I was excited about touring again, about meeting the fans and performing in front of thousands of people, but really, I was mainly just ready to be on the road and away from any possible trouble in LA with Camila.


"One more time, from the top!" our choreographer shouted.

I wiped the sweat from my brow as our music began to play and recited our choreography from the very beginning. It had been a long day- nearly eight hours of rehearsal- and I was ready to be out of the studio. It was Valentines Day, and even though I didn't have any plans, I didn't exactly want to spend all day at rehearsal drenched in sweat.

I glanced at Camila out of the corner of my eye and smirked as I watched her roll her hips to the beat, remembering how she had always been so insistent that she couldn't dance to save her life. I pushed through the last bit of choreography and as we were finally released I made my way over to her as she gathered her belongings.

"I thought you said you couldn't dance," I reminded her.

She looked up from her bag and smiled, pulling it onto her shoulder and starting for the door.

"I can't," she laughed.

"That looked like dancing to me," I argued.

"Not good dancing," she corrected.

She pulled the door open and held it for me, allowing me to step out onto the sidewalk. She started for the shuttle and I followed close behind her, making sure the other girls were out of earshot so they didn't suspect anything.

"Come on, Camila. You're not a bad dancer," I pressed.

She spun around to face me as she opened the car door, an amused expression on her face.

"If you can prove that I actually have a tiny bit of rhythm I'll do all your chores for a month," she laughed.

"Deal," I agreed, avoiding the sarcasm in her tone. "Let's go dancing tonight then."

She climbed into the shuttle and I followed her, shutting the door behind me and watching out the window to make sure the other girls were still far away.

"Just you and me," I continued. "Just a night out like old times."

"I don't know..." she whined.

"Camila, come on. Just a few hours. When's the last time we actually did something together away from the other girls?" I insisted.

She turned to face me and smirked, raising her eyebrows mischievously.

"The lake house doesn't apply," I chuckled.

Should Have Known (Camren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon