Chapter 24

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February, 2013

We spent nearly every day of January in the studio, writing out ideas for songs and even recording a few. Everything was going exactly according to plan. Life in LA was becoming easier and easier each day, and we were soon out on the town almost every night after long days of recording. The first few days of February came and went with ease, and two weeks in we had already recorded two full songs. It seemed like nothing could hold us back.

I sat on the edge of the bed and flipped through a magazine the night of February 13th, just a few hours before Valentines Day. I heard a quiet knock on the door and mumbled, "Come in."

Dinah and Normani tip-toed inside and shut the door, making their way over to the bed and taking a seat on either side of me.

"Ally's distracting Lauren," Dinah informed me. "Tell us your Valentines Day plans so we can help you out."

I raised my eyebrow at my best friend, genuinely confused by what was coming out of her mouth. "Uhhh..."

" can't tell me that you don't have some extravagant night thought out for you and Lo. It's Valentines Day, and you're kind of a hopeless romantic," Normani said.

I closed my magazine and threw it on the pillows behind me.

"Valentines Day is stupid," I huffed. "We don't need just one day out of the entire year to prove that we love each other."

"Think what you want," Dinah defended, standing in front of me and crossing her arms over her chest. "But that doesn't mean that Lauren thinks the same thing."

"So what am I supposed to do? It's ten o'clock at night the day before Valentines Day. It's not like I can go out and get her a present," I argued.

Dinah threw her hands over her head in frustration and rolled her eyes. "You haven't even gotten her a present?"

"I was just going to spend the day with her," I shrugged.

"Actually..." Normani started, getting off the bed and scratching her chin thoughtfully. "That's not such a bad idea."

Dinah and I looked at her expectantly and waited for her to continue.

"I mean, you've known each other long enough to know what she's into, right? You should just have an entire day devoted to doing things that she enjoys. That's a lot more valuable than chocolate and a stuffed animal," she explained.

"Mani, you're a genius!" Dinah praised, throwing her arms around Normani's neck.

"Guys," I laughed, "that's what I was planning on doing from the beginning."

"Mila, you're a genius!" Dinah corrected, hugging me instead.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her off of me, retrieving my magazine and continuing to read.

"If you'll excuse me I have to get back to planning my extravagant Valentines Day surprise," I joked.

They both walked out of the room and left me to my reading, which was soon consumed by my thoughts. I already had a plan, but I wanted the day to be absolutely perfect. I wanted Lauren to be happy more than anything. I didn't care if she got me the biggest teddy bear or the most expensive chocolates- seeing her smile would be the best gift of all time.


I felt my phone vibrating rapidly under my pillow and clicked it off, stopping my alarm and crawling out of bed without waking Lauren up. I made my way quietly downstairs and into the kitchen where Ally was already awake and making breakfast.

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