Chapter 27

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May, 2013

Another month passed without any conflicts. Lauren and I rarely argued- we only had small debates over unimportant topics. Everything was back to normal again. The single was coming along nicely, we were putting in hours of hard work for our EP, and everyone got along just as we always did. May 1st marked six months for Lauren and I, and although we had our fair share of problems, I couldn't have been happier that I had spent half a year of my life with her, and I couldn't wait for the months to come. The weeks after that remained relatively neutral. Lauren and I loved each other more than words could describe and the arguing dwindled down to almost nothing. It was almost as if our argument a month earlier had opened both of our eyes and made us realize how much we really meant to each other.

We had a day off from recording and everyone was using it to their advantage- mostly to catch up on sleep. I laid in the bed reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower to entertain myself as Lauren scrolled through her phone next to me.

"Let's do something," she begged. "I'm bored."

"We are doing something. Reading is doing something," I pointed out.

She turned on her side so that she was facing me and stuck out her bottom lip, giving me a puppy dog face that I easily ignored.

"No, you're reading. I have nothing to do," she argued, her charade failing.

"So why don't you read too?"

She threw her head back in frustration and groaned.

"Caaaamz," she whined. "Come on."

I folded the corner of my page and closed my book, tossing it onto the nightstand and turning towards Lauren.

"I'm tired Lo," I told her.

"Well...why don't we go get coffee?" she suggested.

"Lauren I don't-"

"Come on Camz," she pleaded. "We have one day off and we haven't gone anywhere without the girls in weeks. Consider it a date...we haven't been on once since Valentines Day."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing there was no way I would win the argument and too exhausted to even try.

"Fine," I agreed.

She smiled and planted a quick kiss on my lips before jumping out of bed and throwing on a sweatshirt.

"My treat," she offered, grabbing her purse off the dresser and nodding towards the door.

I pulled myself out of the bed and straightened my hair before following her out the door and down the stairs. We slipped out unnoticed by the other girls who were all still sound asleep in their own beds.

We walked along the sidewalk hand in hand, the late spring sun hidden away by threatening storm clouds. The breeze picked up as we walked and Lauren pulled me closer to her side, finally releasing me to open the door to the coffee shop once we arrived.

"What are you getting?" she asked me.

"Surprise me," I answered. "I'll find us a seat."

I located the only unoccupied table in the middle of the establishment and pulled out a seat, ignoring the surprised looks I was receiving from several of the patrons. Lauren found her seat across from me after several minutes, sliding an iced coffee in my direction and taking a sip of her own.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to going somewhere and having every pair of eyes in the room on me the entire time," she laughed.

"It's definitely new," I agreed.

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