Chapter 39

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"I need a break," Dinah whined, throwing her head back against the sofa.

"Dinah, we just got back to LA," Camila laughed.

"Yeah, but I want a break. I want a few days of not having to think about music and not having to deal with friends and family...just me and relaxation," she explained.

"Go to the beach," Normani suggested.

"It's not the same," Dinah dismissed, scowling at Normani's words.

"A vacation actually does sound pretty great," I agreed. "Not like we always get. Not going home for a few days to see our friends and family. A real vacation."

"Yeah, well unless we can come up with a couple thousand bucks to take a trip somewhere, I'll just settle with the beach," Camila laughed, excusing herself from the couch to retrieve a drink from the kitchen.

Ally perked up as a smile spread across her face and she sat forward on the couch, addressing all of us at once.

"Actually," she started. "My family has a lake house in Texas. I bet they'd let us stay with them for a few days."

"If you can talk them into that I will personally do all of your laundry for a month," Normani promised.

"Deal," Ally agreed. "I'll go make the phone call right now."

She got off the couch and stepped onto the balcony, closing the door behind her so that we couldn't hear.

"What would we even do at a lake house?" Camila asked, returning to the couch with a glass of water in her hand.

"I don't know," Dinah shrugged. "I feel like most of it involves the outdoors though."

"I prefer to stay inside on the internet," Camila chuckled.

"Come on guys, it would be fun," I encouraged. "Just the five of us with a lake house all to ourselves...what more could we ask for?"

"As long as they have wi-fi I'm down," Camila agreed.

"I second that," Dinah added.

Ally returned several moments later with her phone in her hand and a grin that spread from ear to ear.

"Well," she sighed happily. "Looks like we're going to Texas."


"Are we there yet?" Dinah whined as the rental car bumped down a gravel road.

"Will you be patient?" Ally begged. "It's just down this road."

I stared out the window as the deep blue of the lake came into view and we approached a house situated off to the side, right on the water.

"Holy shit, is that it?" I gasped.

Ally pulled into the driveway and stopped the car, immediately getting out and retrieving her luggage as we followed suit. I stared up at the house as we approached, my jaw gaping in amazement at the sheer size of the building. We walked up the stairs, each step creaking until we came to a stop on the wide front porch and waited for the door to open. I heard footsteps inside and the door swung open seconds later, the rusty hinges squeaking as a small woman ran out to greet Ally.

"Guys, this is my aunt. She's the one who's letting us use the house," Ally smiled.

"I hope you don't mind if the family stays while you're here. It's just a precaution, that's all," her aunt said.

"Of course not," Camila promised, stepping forward and shaking the woman's hand. "Thank you for having us."

"Well, it's a pleasure," she countered. "Come on in and I'll fix y'all something to eat. I'm sure you must be starving after that long plane ride."

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