Chapter 1

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~2016Detroit, Michigan

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Detroit, Michigan.
Wayneland State University

I have never been more excited in my entire life. After spending 18 years in Tecumseh, I am finally going to be living on campus at Wayneland State University. It was the only university that I wanted to go to. I applied to five other colleges, but I never felt the same way as I did when I first visited WSU. I spent all last night pacing back and forth, jumping around my bedroom in anticipation of what's to come. I couldn't get my eyes to shut, even when I counted back from 100, so I didn't get much sleep. My parents didn't like hearing that when I told them this morning as we ate breakfast. They already scolded me multiple times before we left the house, but I didn't let it phase me. I just couldn't help it. I'm too excited to start my new journey alone without my parents watching my every move.

I have been waiting for this moment to finally begin my adult life.

"Evangeline," my father, Johnathan West, looks at me in the rear-view mirror. "When we get to the university remember what we talked about before."

"Always stay by you and mother, stand up straight, and use my manners," I answer like I have already memorized it. I mean I should know it by now since I've had to say it for most of my childhood. I can do this reciting in my sleep.

"Use the manners that you were raised to have," he adds, turning his eyes back on the road.

I nod in agreement and turn back to reading my bible that's sitting in my lap. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." -Romans 15:13.

I always read my bible. In the morning, during school, between classes, after school, and before bed. No matter where we went, I always carried my bible. The red hardback cover and the golden side pages gave me comfort in knowing that I am not alone. I can do whatever I want to do if I set my mind to it. But remember God comes first. Always.

After spending another hour in the car listening to the Christian music radio station, we finally arrive at the WSU campus. I'm internally squealing as we drive through the streets that show signs of WSU and head towards the student center on campus. It hasn't changed much since the last time I visited in May. There are more banners hung around the different buildings welcoming the new students on campus and detailing information on where to go.

The campus is located right in the heart of Detroit and still has a reasonable walking distance from downtown. I love taking walks in my free time so I cannot wait to eventually explore the city once I get settled in.

The more seconds I'm here the freer I feel. I'm almost there. This is what I have been waiting for all summer. After spending the last five months studying until my brain hurt and working at my parent's church while every other teenager was out partying and wasting their time on artificial things, I am finally able to start my studies to become a doctor.

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