Chapter 21

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IMPORTANT. Please Read.
Please keep the comments nice. I like that there are conversations starting about the topics in this book and that's what I wanted, but please be nice when responding to other comments, otherwise your comment will be reported and I will delete it!

We're all here to go on a journey with Eva and Tre and while the problems they are facing are sad and can lead to serious conversations, please be kind to one another and don't be offensive to other's for having their own beliefs and opinions in the comments section. This story is centered around a couple who face serious and sometimes offensive experiences, and these real issues should be talked about, but we can talk about them without being rude to other people. So please be kind to everyone who reads and responds to this book! We all have different opinions and beliefs, and that's okay :) 

I will not tolerate any hateful and offensive comments, especially when it's towards another reader, so please be nice and spread kindness. We all need it right now.



"Do you ever think about the future?"

Tre looks down from where I'm laying half on him with my chin up on his chest, looking up at him. We're laying in his bed, watching tv. It's more of a background noise since we always end up talking more than actually watching the tv.

"Yeah," he answers. "All the time."

"Me too," I reply, feeling him start to rub circles on my back. It always comforts me when he does that. It makes me feel more relaxed and I think it makes him feel the same way too. "I think about it all the time. Kind of hard not too."

I think a lot about my future, always have since I was little. When I was young, I always thought about becoming a doctor and helping people who need it. I'd dream every day about it. I couldn't wait to start, I drew out a whole map on notebook paper of my future plans, highlighting everything that I needed to get done in order to achieve my ultimate dream. Even back then I was thinking a lot. I really tend to over think things and sometimes I can't get my brain to shut off from everything that's swirling around inside my head. I overanalyze, overthink, and look too much into things. I say that makes me a more observant person since I am so focused on thinking about everything. My parents always told me that I think too much, but I can't help it when there's so much to think about. My future being the biggest thing on my mind—like what I'm going to do in the rest of the three and a half years of college. What experiences and opportunities will I get while I'm here. How Tre will fit into this. How he could possibly become a part of my future.

It's been about two months that we've been together now and I want to think that he will always be a part of my life. He's already turned my world upside down in these few months of knowing him so I know that even if he doesn't continue to be my boyfriend in the future, he'll still always be a part of the memories and experiences that I'll never forget. But I really want him to always be in my life. I don't even want to think about him not being in my future with me. I know that we haven't been officially together for that long yet, but I was told growing up that when you know, you know and you won't have to question it. I don't have any doubts, but I can't say the same about him. I don't know if he thinks of me being in his future or if he even wants me to be a part of that. I wish I could read his mind so I'd always know what he was thinking because he's such a hard book to read. I feel like I've gotten to like the sixth chapter of his long book, but not far enough to where I'd know if he shared the same thoughts that I do about him.

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