Chapter 5

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"Oh my god really?" Samira asks shocked and I nod shamelessly

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"Oh my god really?" Samira asks shocked and I nod shamelessly. She pauses for a second and then tilts her head back, releasing a loud laugh. "I can't believe this! Latrell's gonna like hearing his boy is partnered up with you."

"Why is he even in this class? I thought he wasn't a freshman."

"Oh he's not. He's a junior like Trell." Samira sits back on her bed and closes her laptop that was on her lap from doing homework.

"Then why is he in there?" I scratch my head.

"Maybe he wanted to torment you," she jokes and I stick my tongue out at her.

"Ha ha very funny Samira," I say sarcastically.

"No, but for real, he probably had a mix up with his credits so they forced him to take it." She says after she stops laughing.

"Is he a nice guy?" I ask hopefully.

I don't want to spend a lot of the time this semester with someone who is rude and trouble because then my grade will suffer and I can't get anything below an A in all of my classes.

"Tre's pretty nice when you talk to him," she explains. "He's cool. Very chill, but he's also really smart. Like really really smart."

"He seems cocky." I blatantly state.

Samira nods in agreement. "He is very cocky, the girls love him. But he grows on you after a while." She smiles. "He's one of those people who no matter what, he would always help you out." She pauses for a second and then speaks again. "He has a good heart."

"He does?"

She nods. "He really does Eva. He may look tough and cocky, but there's a lot more to him than that. The more time you spend with him the more you realize that."

That makes me get lost in my thoughts. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, so maybe he won't be so bad after all?

"He didn't give me any way to contact him. He left before I could ask him."

Samira rifles through her bad and gets out her phone. "Here's his number." She give the digits to me and I make a reminder to myself to send him a text to get started on this project.

"So how was your classes?" I ask her and she goes on a rant about her 3D art professor who she already doesn't like. "She looks like one of them old ladies who would hit you with her broom if you stepped on her front yard and who would intentionally put prunes into a pie just so you can shit everywhere later." I laugh and cover my mouth in shock at her ridiculous description of the teacher and she keeps going with the ranting until she finally had enough of talking about the "old hag," her words not mine.

"I'm gonna go over to Trell's," she says as she puts her converse on. "You wanna come with?"

I shake my head. "No thanks, I'm gonna get a start on my homework.

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