My teenage life as a diabetic

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Chapter one-regret:

Every day on this earth I regret things. Whither it's not falling asleep, or forgetting to dose for food. I just can't grasp certain concepts. I know why everyone talks the way they do. They think I'm hurting myself by pricking my finger and go to the councilor and report that I'm hurting myself. What they don't know is that I'm not hurting myself. I'm just doing my everyday testing. So I get pretty bad about this because I don't want people thinking I'm hurting myself so I skip tests. You probably don't understand anything I'm saying. Let's start over, Hi I'm Jane Mary Waters. I have type one diabetes and this is how I get through life, now that we've met you know part of my story. The only thing is you don't know the whole story. Welcome to my life living with diabetes.


Today was my first day I'm high school. You guessed it I was scared as heck. I had no idea were anything was and I was wondering around halls looking like an idiot compared to all the other kids. As you can tell I'm not exactly the popular type. I'm a girl who is obsessed with books, socially awkward and worst of all I'm a nerd. My parents always tell me I could be an extraordinary beautiful young woman if I tried to. The thing is, I don't care about being beautiful. I don't care about popularity or any if that. All I want to is, finish school and go to collage to get my degree. I'm going to be the first person to find a cure for diabetes. Clearly all the other scientists have failed. I will be the first woman to successful proceed in science research. I know my destination in life, just as the next girl does. Except I live an not so extraordinary life. My parents are happily married and I have four siblings. All but two of those siblings annoy me. Michel my younger brother always goes out of his way to try to annoy me. Even if that means going into my underwear drawer to cut my underwear I'm half, or to cut the straps off my bras. Landon my older brother is not that bad. Only that he try's to wreck every relationship I have. He just wants to get into all my personally business. Miles my other younger brother is okay but can get on my nerves. He always think he needs to include something related to animon the game him and Michel are obsessed with. Now for the one I've saved is Lily. She is my baby sister, I adore her so much and don't know how I could live without her. Lily always manages to put a smile on my face when I feel like I don't have one anymore. I feel invisible and lily always reminds me I'm not with that key smile of hers. I don't necessary like my life. But it's a life worth living, and that's okay for me.

Guys, loves a bitch. don't get me wrong it's fun when your in love, but when they break your heart, it hurts like a bitch. But I'm in love. Evan and I have been dating for three years now. DING DONG! I run down stairs and open the door to see Evan standing there grinning, " hey Livy, wanna play ball?", he asks me with his deep blue eyes looking into mine. " sure!, but don't be upset if I beat you." I say grinning wildly. " are you sure about that?" he says matching my expression. " let me run upstairs and change I'll meat you outside." I say closing the door. As I make my way upstairs I think about what he could possibly be doing outside. I glance out the window only to find him holding a small white box in his hand. As I see him I remember it's our 4 year anniversary! I quickly change and grab the present I got him. Then as I run outside I see April there talking to him. "April go away I don't want you here to spoil my relationship." i hear Evan say. "but wouldn't you much rather have a girl with a perfect bod and organs?" She says, I can imagine her twirling her hair back and forth butting her lower lip. " no April stop. go home. I love Olivia with all my heart and she doesn't need a Despriate bitch to deal with." I here her go away and then decide to walk to him. "Hey is everything okay?" I ask trying to sound like I didn't just hear what happened. " Yeah! everything's great!" his voice perks up a little, I sneak a little smile but it slowly fades when I realize what April just said. She was the bullie that I could never fight off. " Hey Jane, everything okay?" he says. "Yeah I'm fine it's just I saw April and." "nothing's going on I swear I love you." He cuts me off and then kisses me. " I love you to, I really do." I say back to him. he kisses me harder until he decides to throw me across his shoulder. "evan!!" I tell giggling hitting his back. "I'm taking you somewhere." he tells me as we run off. We end up at the park with a blanket ready with food in a basket all packed up. " so this is how you treat a girl" I say grinning widely. "yeah I thought it was pretty good." He says copying my grin. we sit down and eat lunch while laughing. At the end off this wonderful evening he tops it off by giving me a 3 chariot necklace. "Oh my god! Evan you shouldn't have!" I say all bubbly. "anything to treat my girl right." he says kissing me on the cheek. I turn my head and kiss him on the lips very passionately. We smile and finish eating.

This morning I woke up feeling very confident. Don't ask me why I had no idea why. I checked my phone or any messages and saw this, "Hey baby doll, had so much fun last night ;)" my heart immediately leaps out of my chest. why does he stay with me when he knows I'm a freak? I get dressed and put on my make up. All I can think about is how the day is going to go. I always wonder if kids would ever just be nice to me about my diabetes. I know that it's not some extraordinary wish or anything, so why did kids have to be so mean? All my life so far has been kids picking on me and betraying me. Evan is the only one that has stayed. I love him. I really do. I know I sound like a cheep ole' love story, but I'm telling the truth. As I walk into school I see Evan. He's chatting with some friends when he spots me. He runs over and pulls me into his grasp. "Hey babe I missed you", whispers In my ear. " I missed ya to." I say back sneaking a quick kiss. we walk down the hall hand I'm hand as he drops me off for my next class. All of these thoughts start rushing into my head.

Authors note:

Hey guys it's me, sorry I haven't updated. but I will start updating more. special thanks to Bravet for voting on my story! wishing you all sweet day dreams😘

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