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"Evan!!!!" I yell from the bathroom breathing heavily. "I'm coming I'm coming what's wrong!" he says rushing up the stairs. I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen and mentally curse myself for Not holding this baby in. "ahhhh!" I yell again. "I'm here I'm here what's wrong." Evans coo's I'm my ear. "the the the baby! it's coming!" he picks me up bridal style and sets me in the car. I text Alyssa asking her to come asap. she arrives just as we're leaving to take care of the kids. My breaths are short and raged. I try to hold in any screams or whines but I can't help it. "Ah! your staying in there okay baby? don't come out unless the doctors near" I yell. Evan half chuckles beside me and I glare at him. he always try's to find a flaw in whatever I do. "hey check your blood sugar we don't need that to be super high as your giving birth." and says taking my hand at the red light. "Evan Nows not the time they will check it there okay!?" I say getting a little annoyed. "ugh okay.. I just don't want to see you get hurt." I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

~ * ~ ~ *~

"Someone come help me my wife's about to give birth!" Evan yells as we enter the hospital. they rush me into a room and the nurse comes in with some antibiotics too keep my blood sugar down so the baby's safe. "okay dear, I'm gonna need you to copy my breathing alright?" the nurse says in her all to sweet southern accsent. "okay" I reply "woo whoo woo whoo woo whooooo" she says and I try my best to copy her. "woh Whooo woh Whooo woh whoooooh" I say. "that's not the best but at least you tried." I get a little agrivated at this woman. who is she to tell me that "tried my best" when clearly I did! ugh! "okay where is she! I'm the dad let me in!" I hear Evan yell and I mentally thank The Lord. "mrs. waters this man stats to be your husband is that true?" the other nurse asks me. "oh yes that's very true let him in please." I reply. "woo! hey honey are you okay?" he asks I was about to tell him yes until I felt a little push in my lower abdomen. "the baby's coming. like now." I say. the doctors rush over and confirm my pain. I do the stupid breathing things the nurse told me do and pushed when is needed to but y head was starting to beat. the room was slowly becoming blurry. I could hear Evan calling my name in the distance but I couldn't bring my mind to respond. it wasn't that I wanted to I just couldn't. everyone was yelling my name with people rushing in and out of the room and suddenly..... everything went black.

Authors note;

Hey guys! hope your all liking the story so far! if you have any questions or suggestions please just leave a comment! what did you thing about Jane in labor? was she mean was she nice? what do you think about at the end!? weird i know right! the picture to your left -> is of the new baby ;) happy reading! with love and blood goodnight.

My teenage life as a diabeticWhere stories live. Discover now