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Evan texted me later on and said Alyssa had a baby girl named Autumn. I cheered with luke and May and then drove all four of us to the hospital. I grabbed Emma out of the car and luke helped may. I put Emma in her carrier and grabbed luke and mays hand as we skipped inside the building. I hopped over to the front desk and Luke and may ran off to the play section. "Name." the lady at the front desk snarled. "oh I'm not signing in I'm visiting." I reply just as harsh. "who are you going to see then" she looks at me from the glow of her glasses and I can tell she's not the prettiest one out there. her eyeliner was a bright green to match her yellow eyeshadow. it was applied all the way to her temple at an attempt for winged eyeliner I think. she had on bright red lipstick that went over her lips. I hate how people like her act like this. "Alyssa Romenillo. my husbands with her Evan Lancaster?" I say, she types something up on her computer and replies, "oh yes room A23 find your own way down the left hall." she told me. I give her a rude stare and grab Luke and may to lead them to room A23. "do I get to keep aunt lyssas baby!?" May asks, Luke shakes his head. "no maybae she wants her baby." may chuckles at that and we all walk into the room. it's decorated with water Lily's all across the bottom with a perfect white sky at the top. the flower petals blossomed and yellow peaked through. May runs over to one and glides her hand across it. Evan walks over and picks her up so she can touch the sky. "hey may, do you think this is pretty?" Evan says in a hushed whisper. May nods her head. "whenever you think something's pretty just know that's what's inside you baby girl. you have a very nice heart, don't let anyone ruin it not even your brother." he whispers. may laughs. "Luke won't make me be bad! He'll make me be good!" She cheered. I smile at them and walk over to Alyssa. "hey, soooo baby Autumn!" I say. my smile slowly fades when I see her face. "bu....but.... I'm scared Jane." She says to me. I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. "hey don't be you'll be a great mother Alyssa!" I reassure her. She still looks frighted and scared. "me and jake we've been fighting all this time and now we have to raise a baby together!? What will happen if she hates us fighting!? Or worse what if we get a divorce and she'll never forgive us!" I saw tears form in her eyes. the door opens and walks that familiar face. "uh.... hi alyssa." he says. his voice was shaky and I give up the chair for him. may and Luke were gawking over how Emma could fit her whole hand in her mouth. and me and Evan stood up our arms around each other, foreheads touching, breath mingling. I was snapped out of my trance as I heard the door close again. "I'm gonna go see what happened." I whisper. he nods and kisses me. I sit down in the chair next to the bed. "soooo what happened?" I asked. "He's going to see the baby so he can think of a nickname." she smiles at her ring on her finger. "how long do you think I'll keep this ring before he wants it back?" She asks. her eyes pour in to mine asking me for the truth. I search for any sines of amusement when I tell she's being completely honest. "hopefully forever." I whisper and she giggles. "me to, me to." she smiles again and Jake walks in with the baby. "okay so I was thinking since you all ready wanted to name her Autumn that I could choose the middle name" Jake stats. alyssa smiles and gestures for him to come closer. I walk back to Evan. And we sit on the mini couch and snuggle when may jumps up and snuggles In between us and Luke snuggles into my back. Evan reaches over and grabs Emma in his arms and we watch Alyssa and Jake pick out names for there new pride and Joy. " hey momma, was this what is was like when me and Luke were born?" May asks. "yes may, we knew we'd love you just as much as we love each other." I say and kiss evan. the kids erupted into 'ews' and I chuckled. "OKAY OKAY OKAY I GIVE IN I GIVE IN!" Alyssa laughs as Jake tickles her. "so alrigt guys the baby's name is Autumn Aubry Johnson" we all "awe" and the nurse brings in the baby as Jake tells her all the information on the birth certificate. Alyssa gases into Autumns eyes and kisses her forehead ever so slightly. I could tell she was for for being a mother. then out of no where Evan leans over and kisses me saying. "maybe we should have another baby." I laugh. "Nope,zip,nada,not happening. I've had 3 and that's enough" he kisses me and we lay there in a hospital room watching our friends get there first baby.

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