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I lay in bed and turn over looking at Evan. His arm is over his eyes and his mouth partly open. "Wakey wakey eggs in bakey" I say in a singsong voice. "mmhhmm thats good honey." He says and rolls over. "Luke don't you dare send that to Chase!" I can here May yell from the kitchen. "Yeah? Watch me." Luke says just as I walk into the kitchen. "MAY LUKE COUCH NOW." I yell at both at them. "See what you did asshole?" May utters under her breath and punches Luke. "I heard that May." I say and give her a stern look. She groans and sits on the couch next to Luke. "Luke why'd you have Mays phone?" I say and cross my arms over my chest. "Because she told my girlfriend that I loved her!" He whined and I look at him shocked. "Well what did your girlfrend say!" I asked him my mouth slacking. "She said I love you too." He said his face turning bright red. "SEE I HELPED YOU, YOU SON OF A GUN!" She said and turned to him her face red from yelling. "So what were you going to text Chase?" I say and rub my temples. High school was never this hard for me. It always was so easy, I guess it was because I only had one boyfriend. I met my soulmate early. "I was going to do the same thing." He said and threw his arms up in the air. "OH MY GOD LUKE WHAT HAS YOUR FATHER TAUGHT YOU? THE BOY ALWAYS HAS TO SAY I LOVE YOU FIRST!!!" I say and May looks at Luke smirking, knowing that she's won. "Well I didn't know that!" He stats as his ears turn a shade of pink. "YES YOU DID I TOLD YOU DICK HEAD!" May says and slaps Luke on the back of the head. "No need to be abusive maybae." He says and rubs the back of his head. May rolls her eyes as he uses there old niknames. "Well go to school and learn shit." I say and walk off into my bedroom. "I don't like them being teenagers." Evan says proped up on his elbow. "You heard all that and didn't help me!" I whine and climb under the pillows. "Well I thought you could handle it." He says as our phones buzz. "We are on the bus no need to call the cops" I read what May sent allowed and Evan bursts out laughing. "Yep you don't need to do that again." he chuckles and I punch his arm playfully. "HEY THAT WAS ONE TIME!" I say my face turning bright red. he laughs and lays back in bed. He puts his hands under his head and I lay on his chest and he lowers his arm. "Am I a good parent for a teenager?" I ask. I look at him with amusement in my eyes. "Nah, your just terrible" He grins and I kiss him. "So are we going to Caitlins house or what?" I ask and get up. I slowly walk to the closet thinking about what i'm going to wear. I pull out a skinny blue dress with a slit in it. The slit starts mid thigh and widens on the way down. The top was one strap of rhinestones. There was a low cut back just above my butt, The rhinestones cross down my back and hang loosely. "This one?" I ask Evan as his eyes glaze over my body in aw. "Yeah...." He says looking up and down my body again. I giggle and curl my hair. My brown lockes roll down my back spirling and pulling the first two strands back and bobby pinning them. I grab my sivler makeup and grab my moms old heart locket. I make myself a dark blue smoky eye and throw in some silver here and there. I glance my self over in the mirror and call it good. I walk into the closet and grabed Evans suit. I picked out a dark blue for his tie so it matched my dress. "Ready?" I ask him and we walk out to the car. As we get in a see a little stuffed bear holding a heart on his dash board. "Is this for me?" I ask holding up the bear. "Nah it's for the cat." He says kissing my cheek. "But we don't have a cat Evan!" I say and look at him pouting. "Thats cause its for you dummy." He laughs and I blush out of embaressment. "So, I'm guessing this valentines party won't be as bad as last one?" I say and look over to Evan. He's bitting his lip nervously. "No?" He says and quickly glances at me. "thats right!" I laugh and turn up the radio hearing its cough syrup. "Man, I can't belive they still play this song!" I say and sing softly with the lyrics. "Hey I have a soccer game next week, do you have to go into court?" Evan asks and I shrug. "I don't this so, my clients haven't been up to anything." I say and he nods. "So that guy, that was abused, did he ever you know..... get revenge?" Evan says and I scoff. "Are you kidding me? That boy crapped his pants when I told him he had to stat everything he told me to the judge." I speak softly listening to the hum of the radio. I rub my hands over my arms feeling the small bumps from my highschool years. I shudder as I pass a certain one. The biggest bump to be exact. It was the day after April tried to take Evan from me. I had never thought he would cheat, but she made it look like he was kissing her. I drove home crying and grabed my razor. I just cut and cut and cut until my head felt heavy. I realized I hit a vain. My mother came in yelling my name to see the blood dripping down my arm. I had no tears on my face then, no shock, I wanted it to happen. Some part of me wanted it to happen. Everything that happened after is a blur. I haven't cut since. Evan grabs my hand and  pulls it away from my arm. He intertwines our fingers and I melt at his touch. "Promise me that you'll be okay?" He said and kissed my hand. "I will don't worry." I say and squeeze his hand in reasurence. We pull into Caitlins house and Have one of the best parties. We then go to the middle school and pick up Emma. She looked so sad that when I looked in the backseat her sleeves were pulled down. I let go of Evans hand and grab Emmas. I slowly roll up her sleeve to see a grib mark. "Emma? What happend." I say out of breath. Tears prick my eyes as tears spill down her face. "This girl, I'll be fine mom." she says and rolls her sleeve down. "Stop the car." I say bluntly and walk back to the school. "APRIL" I yell as I stomp over to her fixing her daughters hair. "what." she says bluntly and my eyes are filled with anger. "Hows your bitch of a daughter." I say and cross my arms over my chest. "Excuse me?" She said her attention apointed at me for once. "YOUR FUCKING DAUGHTER LEFT A HAND PRINT ON MY DAUGHTERS ARM! SHE IS JUST LIKE HER MOTHER ISN'T SHE?!" I yell and get into her face. "SHE DID NOTHING! DID YOU DO ANYTHING NANCY!" Her daughters face welts up in guilt. "HAH! Look at her little face it shows that she did it. I thought we were over this stupid fued when you met trevor!" I say and look at her daughters eyes welling up in tears. "Nancy get in the car i'll deal with you later. Now Jane, the fued never stopped, I still hate your guts. But Emma must have provoked the fight." April sneers crossing her arms over her chest. "Lets make a deal, This never happens again and I won't punch you right now." I sneer right back and her face contorts in fear. "Fi-Fine. deal." She says and sticks out her hand. I shake it and stomp back to the car. "It was fucking april again." I whisper to Evan when Emma sticks her headphones in. "I hate that son of a B." He says. we drive home and I glare at the window the whole way. We pull into the drive way and I storm into the house. "LUKE MAY DO YOU HAVE CHOCLATE I NEED SOME" I yell up the stairs at them. May runs down and hands me a crunch bar and I grab it out of her hands and eat it. "Thank you." I say when i'm done and go to my room to change. Once i'm out of my formal wear I walk into the kitchen to make dinner. I make white pasta and all the kids run into the room as the start to smell the sauce. I put food on everyones plates and I eat right out of the pot. "Mom now there won't be left overs." Luke whines and Evan gives him a stern look. "Mom needs this trust me." He says and I nod. "So anyway how was valentines day?" I ask all the kids and Emma shrugs and Mays eyes turn into hearts. "Chase told me he loved me." She says in awe and feels her lips. I laugh at her remembering when that happened to me and Evan. "Awesome, what about you Luke?" I ask and he smirks. "I gave Juliet flowers and she kissed me." He says shrugs his face going red. "I got a valentine from Austin." Emma blushes and I look at her and smile. "Thats awesome guys!" I say and eveyone laughs at me. "How was the party?" May asked smirking. "Wonderfulllll" I smile and bitt my lip. "Yay!" She laughs and puts away her plate. "Hey Luke can you take mine?" I ask and he grabs mine and Emmas and puts it in the dishwasher. "Who wants to watch Valentines day?" I ask and May and Emma sprint to the couch and get there before me. I laugh and Evan scoops me up in his arms as Luke groans about having to sit on the floor. "See, I always told you we'd be okay." He whispers, and for once, I belive it.

My teenage life as a diabeticWhere stories live. Discover now