Chapter 12

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Serena's POV:

Darien finished buttering the toast and took the plate over to a couch across from the man. I went to sit beside Darien, but he pulled me onto his lap as he handed me the plate. I blushed, but thanked him as I took the plate. Darien snaked one arm around my waist as he pulled me a bit closer to him. My back rested against his chest and I took a bite of toast while glancing around the living room.

A couple of chairs and a couch formed a loose rectangle around a central coffee table. The pale walls held pictures that were all depicting nature scenes. No pictures of people were to be seen, which seemed kind of strange to me. Everything looked pretty tidy and clean. There was a patio door just to the side that led into a back garden while the kitchen was fully visible from the living room.

I took another bite of toast as I slowly relaxed against Darien. His other hand fiddled with my brown hair, I hadn't seen a mirror yet, but it was probably in dire need of a brushing. I glanced over to see the other man watching us with astonishment and disbelief. Darien either didn't notice or didn't care as he kept fiddling with a strand of my hair.

I swallowed my mouthful and glanced up at him, "What are our plans?"

Darien's light blue eyes were soft and relaxed, "Nick is letting us stay here for a day or two while he gets fake IDs and passports for us. He has more money than he can ever use and has given me more than enough. It turns out that war has taken over the place where I grew up, so I think our next best option is to hide in the mountains."

Nick frowned at the last sentence in obvious disagreement. He must still want Darien to join the war. I didn't want to see Darien get hurt, so I didn't want him to fight either. I looked down at the floor to avoid looking at Nick. My ankle still had a red circle all the way around it from where that black band had shocked me.

Nick tried to dissuade him once more, "Those scientists won't stop looking for you now. They will find you sooner or later."

Darien bristled slightly, "The world is a big place and they do not have enough manpower to search every mountaintop."

I agreed with Darien's perspective. Nick's cellphone rang and he left the room to answer it. Perhaps he didn't want me to listen to his conversation. He was obviously not a fan of me and wished that Darien had never spotted me.

Nick came back swiftly, "Those scientists managed to catch Jessica and Alex. Tristan and Clair escaped the trap. They know you escaped the lab and they want your help to get them out. They are on their way here."

Darien stilled, "They will have increased the security there. I failed in thousands of attempts to escape, neither of them will manage it."

"You succeeded last night." Nick took a seat on the other sofa once more.

"That was a fluke. It was because of the bond I have with Serena. Chances are the bond will settle sometime today, and I will have no more of an advantage than I did before."

I glanced up at him in surprise at his words. Darien paused as he realized what he had said. He debated for a moment before sighing and looking down at me, "I have to tell you something."

Nick smirked and stood back up, "I will be back in a few seconds. I will lock the front door in case she tries to make a run for the hills."

I looked over at Nick in confusion as he left the room. It was a little late to run for the hills at this point. I already knew that the bond would drag me back. My head had mostly wrapped itself around the little bit I had overheard earlier, so hopefully this wouldn't come as too much of a shock to my system.

Darien frowned at Nick before turning back to me. He seemed almost nervous, and his arm tightened around my waist as if imagining me leaving him. As if I had a chance of outrunning him...

"Remember when I told you I was different? Well, that is because I am not exactly human. My race is called the Tarulk, and even though we look almost identical to humans, we aren't exactly human. As you saw, we are much stronger and faster. Our injuries heal swiftly and it is harder to harm us."

I nodded slowly, "That makes sense. I already saw your speed and strength, so it isn't too surprising. What is this bond?"

I blinked as Darien actually turned a bit red, "Somewhere out there, every Tarulk has a soulmate. They match each other perfectly. There is a special bond between the two. It is rare to find one's soulmate. Tarulk can feel the bond, and it is hard for them to be apart from their soulmate."

I tilted my head in thought, "This... bond, does it feel like a pull?"

Nick gasped from where he was now stood in the doorway, "You can feel the mate bond?" He looked shocked. At this rate, it was going to be a permanent expression on his face.

I examined him in confusion, "I do not know. Ever since I first saw Darien, it feels like there is a magnetic pull if I am apart from him. It has gotten stronger over time."

Darien was watching me with interest, "Have you noticed anything else unusual?"

I bit my lip nervously, but continued, "I don't like being away from you. It makes me anxious, which makes no sense considering we just met. Even after I glimpsed you from the bus, I kept looking everywhere as if you were just going to magically appear. Is that the bond? Am I supposed to feel it?"

Darien nodded slowly, "That is the bond you are feeling. Most do feel the bond in some fashion, even if they are not a Tarulk. Some do not feel it though. Does it scare you?"

I considered it and shook my head, "Not really. You are still the same person who sat beside me on that bench. I just have names and explanations for what I am feeling now. They confused me previously."

He chuckled as he gently rubbed his cheek against my hair in relief, "I can imagine that would have been confusing without knowing what it was."

Nick sighed, "I have no doubts now. You two are definitely soulmates." He walked over to sit down on the sofa he had recently vacated.

Darien raised an eyebrow in faint disbelief, "And why do you believe now? Just because of her comments?"

Nick shook his head, "Nothing she could have said in words would have convinced me. Humans are some of the best actors in the universe. But-"

Darien's muscles tensed as he cut his friend off with a growl, detesting the insult to me. I rubbed my hand along his arm comfortingly, it had seemed to calm him in the past. I could feel his muscles relaxing as my hands rubbed over his arm, even though he still glowered at Nick.

Nick waved his hand towards us, "That is what convinced me. The effect she has on you. Ever since you arrived, you have been in a cantankerous and irritable mood – until she woke up. Her touch calms you."

Darien exhaled heavily, "I could have told you that."

He shrugged, "I had to see it to believe it. But, back to our problem, what is the best way in and out of that lab?"

I nibbled on my second piece of toast while I listened to them talk. Nick eventually grabbed a notebook and passed it to Darien to sketch blueprints on. I excused myself to take the plate away and go find a washroom.

Darien reluctantly let me go, clearly preferring me to stay. Nick was happy to have me leave the room, although he didn't say anything. He may believe I was Darien's mate, but that didn't make him like this human any more than before.

Nick must get a lot of visitors passing through who were in need of the basic necessities. The long bathroom counter had dozens of brand new toiletries that were still in the package along with mini bottles of shampoo and conditioner. It was clear that the supplies were for anyone to take or use.

I could hear the two still discussing the layout of the floor Darien had mainly been kept on. There was plenty of time for a shower.

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