Chapter 24

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Serena's POV:

"Hurry up! They are already on their way back."

"Calm down, the gate is almost up. You can't rush this part."

The voices were dim and muted like I was under water. My thoughts were hazy and slow. I couldn't move my body. My arms and legs were simply too heavy. A whooshing noise made Clair exclaim, "Finally! Let's get going! I have no desire to die today."

My body was scooped up and my mind immediately knew that it was not Darien carrying me. I tried to move, but realized that I was still too drugged to so much as twitch a finger. I was simply a rag doll. It felt like we ran through a freezer for several seconds before warmth returned. The smells were different and unfamiliar.

I wanted to be put down, where was Darien? Why wasn't he carrying me? My mind struggled against the darkness as it tried to comprehend what was going on.

"You guys made it! Glad you came to help. Good to see you ag- what the- Clair, why the hell did you bring a human here?! We have enough problems on our hands."

I was put down surprisingly carefully on what felt like grass. Clair's voice sounded from above me somewhere, "She is the key to ending the war. Wait! No! Don't kill her! Hear me out!"

A man's voice growled out, "You better have one hell of a good reason. Anyone in this place will kill a human if they see one. You should know that."

"She is Darien's soulmate and the bond is new. His strength is unparalleled. He can stop the invaders if you can get her close to the battlefront. He will be coming shortly, so don't close the gate. I have to run now, he will kill me for taking her. Just keep her safe until he arrives, nothing will get past him once he is here."

"Clair! Get back here! You can't just dump this thing here and tell me to watch it! Blast it. Bloody woman. Josh, what got into her? Is she serious?"

"Yes, Darien almost killed her the last time she took his mate. She was smart to run away. Take my advice, when Darien gets through that gate, don't get between him and the human."

I could wiggle my toes now, so the drug was rapidly wearing off. The conversation I overheard sent chills down my back and the bond twisted once more. Darien wasn't here? I shivered at that dreadful thought. I finally managed to open my eyes. The sky was an odd green-blue shade I had never seen before. That was not a good sign.

I turned my head and saw the Tarulk from the house forming a loose circle around me. One of the Tarulk glanced back at me and saw that my eyes were open, "The drugs are wearing off. It won't be long before Darien will be able to sense her distress."

I struggled to sit up, and when I finally managed it, I looked around in a growing panic. A weird stone arch wasn't that far behind us and the opening was filled with what looked like rippling water that gave off a gentle glow. They must have taken me through the waygate. Where was Darien?

If he was on the other side when the gate closed, who knows how long it would take before he could get to me if they were having as much difficulty opening the gate as Nick had said. From the recently overheard conversation, I knew I wouldn't live long without Darien on this planet.

I was behind a loose half-circle of Tarulk who had been at Nick's place. Beyond them were warriors in armor carrying swords, shields, and daggers. Every set of eyes I saw were glowing faintly. Any that were watching me had disgust or anger on their face.

The fear inside me grew and the bond reacted by twisting painfully again. I noticed that Alex had been laid in the grass not far from me. He had numerous bruises and was unconscious. He must have put up one hell of a fight.

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