Chapter 52

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Serena's POV:

Saphira walked beside me and I could see a handful of other Dranek ranging around us in the trees. Saphira slowed to a stop, "This should be far enough."

I nodded and closed my eyes as I started to softly hum. I had been walking along this road for twenty minutes with the Dranek, so Darien shouldn't know where I was.

I thought of Darien and his loving smile as I sent a gentle call out with my faint hum. This was the furthest I had been from Darien for days. The mate bond didn't hurt, nor was it uncomfortable, but it didn't like the distance between us.

I felt the call rise and crest as it told Darien that I wanted him to come find me. My hum trailed off. Saphira appeared endlessly patient, yet alert. I wondered if she knew anything more about my magic...

"You mentioned that you had knowledge about singers... Do you know how their abilities worked in situations like these?"

She considered it for some time, "The histories I read did not say much. We didn't like writing things down since someone who wished a singer harm may use it to their advantage. From what I have heard, every singer tends to be a bit different. Some needed to use musical instruments instead of their voices."

I gazed at the sky, "I guess that means that I just have to keep trying and see what may work." I glanced back the way we had come, "Darien must have heard my call, he is coming this way."

Saphira lightly wrapped her tail around her ankles and nodded thoughtfully. She didn't look overly surprised. Darien rounded the bend and came into view as he lightly ran in my direction. An involuntary smile crept onto my face at the sight of my mate.

Darien slowed as he approached us and pulled me into a gentle hug at our reunion. He wasn't even breathing heavily. I gazed up at him, "You didn't seem to have any trouble locating me."

"I knew from your song that you were on the road and almost at the lake. I think it may be due to how familiar you are with this location," Darien turned to look at Saphira, "Can we try again, but take her somewhere she hasn't been before?"

Saphira nodded, "Certainly. Why don't you head back to the house until she calls again?"

Darien made a face, but reluctantly let me go. He gave me a quick kiss before stepping back, his eyes clearly said that he didn't like leaving me, but both of us knew that I had to test this out so I would be able to call him if I needed him.

With a heavy sigh of irritation, he turned and started jogging back the way he came. Saphira waited until he was out of sight. "Come, let's go this way."

She walked towards the forest and I trailed after her. Saphira was able to find routes through the undergrowth where walking was easy. She looked like she knew exactly where she was and where she was going.

I knew that the Dranek roamed the forests without overly worrying about the local predators. Now that I thought about it, it was kind of strange since even the Tarulk were cautious and refused to travel at night.

"How are the Dranek so comfortable travelling through the forest? I know there are lots of things that go bump in the night out here..."

Saphira glanced over her shoulder with a grin, "We normally travel through the treetops. We have not yet found a predator here that can climb trees easily."

I glanced at the long grasses I was walking through, "That is probably a good plan since quite a few things like to lurk underground on this planet..."

Her smile disappeared as she became serious, "I will not let anything happen to you. Others also walk on the ground ahead of us in case anything is lying in ambush. If my weight does not trigger a trap, then your lighter footsteps will not set it off. If danger shows up, I will carry you into the trees where it cannot reach us."

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