Chapter 62

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Serena's POV:

I watched with interest as Saphira patiently waited for the small bird to land on her hand. The bright blue bird had been watching her for almost five minutes and it really wanted the grub in her palm. She sat still while waiting for the bird to work up its courage.

It darted in and barely even landed as it grabbed the morsel and took off as fast as its wings could take it. I grinned at Saphira's success, it had been neat to see the small songbird up close. I had seen glimpses of it here and there, but had never gotten a good look at it until now.

Saphira growled faintly and was suddenly on her feet as she faced the road, "I was not expecting company." The ridge of hair on her back was starting to stand up in agitation.

Darien's head spun to face that direction as a low rumble came off his chest. My heart sank, how had someone gotten past the Dranek without them knowing? Darien's growl suddenly died, "It's Alex."

I sat up straighter in excitement. Alex? I hadn't seen him since the incident with the scrat. It must have been two weeks since that day. Saphira relaxed with that name as she moved to the side of the porch, which allowed me to look down the street.

He had barely come out of the forest, but was heading this way. Darien had told him in their letters that he was in his old home, so it wasn't as if Alex didn't know where we were.

Alex didn't seem bothered by Saphira's presence as he approached the porch. Darien greeted his old friend without getting up, "Alex, how are you doing?"

"Pretty good," he looked at me, "I am happy to see you doing well, Serena."

"Thanks," I gestured to an extra chair on the porch, "Why don't you join us? Sorry, we didn't know you were coming, or I would have had some snacks ready."

He took the offered seat, "That is no problem, and to be honest, I didn't know I would be visiting this early. I happened to mention to the Dranek who brought me the letters that I hoped to visit you two, and he offered to open up a nearby waygate," He shrugged, "So, here I am."

His latest letters had mentioned that he had been quite far north visiting his relatives. "How are your relatives doing?"

"They are doing well. The waygates have started working reliably, so most of them have left just in case it was temporary. What have you two been up to?"

I had to keep in mind that Alex knew nothing about my singing ability. I shrugged as I leaned back against Darien, "Not much. We travelled here and did some sightseeing since arriving, but overall, we have been pretty lazy." I glanced sideways at Darien, "Although we did go fishing a couple of times, and-"

Darien had undoubtedly picked up my sudden mischievousness and covered my mouth with his hand, "No tall fish tales now."

Darien wouldn't be able to see my grin the way he had my mouth covered, although he would surely be able to sense my amusement. Saphira looked amused, although she was keeping an eye on the visiting Tarulk.

Darien decided to steer the conversation in a different direction and asked, "What is the latest news from up north?"

Alex glanced at Saphira in curiosity, probably wondering why she was here. He replied, "The biggest news is the sudden absence of Dranek. As far as anyone can tell, they have either pulled back and are much further south, or they have completely left the planet. It was rather unexpected, especially after your disappearance behind their battle lines a couple of weeks ago."

Darien idly fiddled with my fingers as his one arm wrapped around my waist, "What theories have they managed to dream up?"

Alex chuckled, "All sorts of weird things from you wiping the Dranek out, to the Dranek somehow holding Serena hostage in order to control you-" Alex was interrupted by Saphira's snort of disgust.

Alex glanced at the blue-skinned lady who was leaning against the porch railing, before continuing, "Anyways, there are a hundred theories out there. Some include you two, some don't, but in the end, no one has any clue. The fighters are slowly advancing as they try to locate the Dranek."

Darien rolled his eyes, "Those idiots had no clue about what was going on even when they knew where the battle line was."

"I doubt they will be overly surprised to find you here, and I don't think they will give you much trouble when they see Serena. Word of a Tarulk with a human mate has spread, as well as how fiercely he defends her."

Darien frowned, "That could be a double-edged sword."

Alex sighed, "I know. As far as I can tell, with the Dranek having suddenly disappeared into thin air, no one really seems to be asking about where you might have gone. As long as you don't show up where they are, I think out of sight is out of mind in this case."

Darien focused on Alex intently, "But...?"

Alex looked sad, "I managed to locate your brother, but the news isn't good."

Darien sat up straighter in concern as he inquired, "What's wrong?"

"He has been in a coma for over two weeks and shows no signs of waking. He was trying to fight off an earthshaker and its tail landed a solid blow to his head. The injury itself has healed, but it doesn't look like he is coming to."

I was worried about Darien's brother, Tarulk normally healed quickly and this didn't sound good. Darien had told me about his younger brother, Lucas, and some of the stuff they had done when younger. Lucas was the only family member that Darien had left.

Darien clenched his fists while he took a deep breath. I looked up as the bond twisted with his internal pain. I placed my hands on his fist as I smoothed out his fingers.

Darien's eyes held pain in them as he looked down at me. He said, "It takes a lot to permanently harm a Tarulk, but strong blows to the head sometimes render the victim permanently unconscious. If he hasn't woken up yet, then chances are that he won't." His voice hitched on his last words and I leaned my head against his chest to offer what comfort I could.

I spoke quietly, "We should go there then." I pushed forward a mental image of the Dranek who had the cataracts, showing that I had my own way to defy the odds.

His voice grew harder, "People wished you harm before and likely will again."

"He is your brother. All of my family is gone. You will never forgive yourself if you don't go see him. I am pretty sure that you and Alex can keep me safe enough. If Saphira is up for a challenge, then she can probably keep an eye on things from a distance as well."

Darien and I looked at one another for quite some time before he slowly nodded. The bond eased up and I could see a spark of hope in his eyes.

Saphira spoke up, "Give us at least until tomorrow morning to prepare. Where are we going? There may be a waygate nearby."

Alex responded, "A town further north than where the Dranek messenger found me, along the big river. The closest waygate is three days away from there. We can always gate to Earth before gating back, although it will take the waygate a couple of hours to recharge."

Waygates couldn't connect to another waygate on the same planet, although I had seen one Dranek manage it before. Saphira shook her head, "We will gate to Drashna, it will be safer to wait there as the waygate recharges."

Alex was confused, "Drashna?"

Saphira flicked her tail, "The Dranek home world."

Alex looked surprised, as if it hadn't even occurred to him that the Dranek would allow us to set foot on their planet.

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