Chapter 38

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Serena's POV:

I could tell that we were very deep beneath the surface. We came into a larger cavern and the creature dipped its shoulders slightly. I took the hint and slid off. There was a raised three step dais on the far side of the room. It was lined with soft grey sand and another larger creature was curled up on the sand.

I followed the one that had carried me as we slowly approached the dais. I somehow knew the one on the dais was female, and her hide was dull with age. The creature lifted her head to watch our approach, and the one beside me bowed its head. I also bowed deeply, this old female was almost undoubtedly the Queen.

The one beside me started speaking in a different language that I didn't understand. The Queen watched him with unblinking eyes before turning her gaze to me, "He says that you may have the power to heal my daughter."

I bowed my head again, the power that radiated off of this old matriarch was unmistakable. "I am not sure if it will work, but I am willing to try."

She watched me silently for some time before nodding. She uncurled her large form slightly and I saw something the size of a cat curled up against her. This must be her daughter. "May I approach? It may be easier if I can touch her."

At her nod, I approached slowly. I bowed once more before carefully sitting in the sand beside her. "May I pick her up?" I was testing the situation gingerly, I wasn't sure of their customs, but I knew from the news channel that the human King and Queen in England had numerous rules about who could even approach them and how close.

"You may."

I carefully picked up the tiny black creature and put it in my lap. She was about as large as a big housecat. Even if I hadn't already known that she was sick, I would have realized it the moment I saw her. The little one didn't even stir in her lethargy, too far gone to be aware of what was happening around her.

My hum had helped Alex, but he had already been swiftly healing. This little one was losing her battle and was near the end. This was going to need a true song. I hummed a few faint notes as I roused my magic.

I could feel the Queen's worry and grief. She knew that her daughter would likely not live to see the sunrise. It reminded me of my friend's parents at her funeral. Parents should not have to bury their children. I could somewhat sympathize with her pain, having seen it before. It was too deep for me to truly know how she felt though.

It pulled at my heartstrings. Emotion played as much a part in my song as my voice did. I closed my eyes as my hum went straight into song, rapidly building in volume and power. It enveloped the child in my lap like a tidal wave of light.

I could dimly feel the heaviness in her lungs and the black corruption that infected her blood and organs. My control loosened as the song directed itself. My voice rose and fell through the complex two-layered song. I didn't give up complete control, lest the song do something unrelated since my heart still reached out to Darien.

I lost track of time, but came back to myself as my song slowed and decrescendoed to a close. My mind felt empty without the magic, song, and light that had filled it for at least several minutes. The little one in my lap took a deep breath before blinking sleepily. Her mother leaned over to nuzzle her with a hum.

The child stood up and chirped at her before glancing up at me and jumping out of my lap as my unexpected presence startled her. She retreated between her mother's front legs shyly. I heard faint footsteps off to the side and turned my head.

I was surprised to see several dozen creatures sitting or lying on bleacher-like ledges around the perimeter of the room. I had not noticed them entering while I had been singing. All had the same shiny black scales and most had red eyes, although a few had reddish-orange eyes. One was approaching me, and I somehow knew he was male. He was also larger than the others were.

Power radiated from him and I was positive that he was the King. I bowed my head from where I sat. The song had tired me and I needed a bit of time before I could stand. He inclined his head at me before regarding his suddenly energetic daughter that his mate was nuzzling.

He turned his orange gaze back to me, "Thank you for healing my daughter. She is our only child. I would like to ask one more favor of you though."

I waited patiently. He looked back towards his mate, "Please heal my mate as well. She has not been able to stand for over a month now. If you can heal her, we can provide you a gift of great worth."

I looked at the Queen, who was watching me silently. The matriarch was old and her body was starting to give out. The hundreds of creatures in this colony needed her, and her daughter was decades away from being able to even try to rule their secret world.

I looked back at the King, "I can try, but I am not sure what I can do."

He nodded as he watched me sat down on his haunches as he waited patiently. I turned back to the Queen, "May I touch you?"

She stretched out slightly, "Here, lean against my shoulder. If you need more, just ask."

I was right beside her and carefully shifted until my back was leaning against her broad and warm shoulder. I didn't even bother with a hum as I started out with a soft song. Plants liked to grow and wounds liked to heal, but I wasn't sure if I could do anything about the effects of time.

My song climbed, and I realized that this Queen was truly ancient. She had probably seen almost as many centuries as I had seen years. This race had a body that was very strong and durable, but any body could only repair itself so many times. My song rose and fell as smaller problems were corrected, and her muscles strengthened.

She needed much more though, if she was to see another year, let alone a decade. I had said that parents should never have to bury their children, but children should also not have to grieve over the loss of a parent while they were so young.

That pain I could truly say I knew, I had seen my entire family buried when I was only 12. The song strained at my control. I hesitated, but the power this song needed wasn't going to come if I tried to retain control. For the sake of the child, her mother, her father, and all of those who were loyal to them, I dropped all of the restraints and control upon my magic.

I was lost in the song.

The song was like an avalanche, there was no way to control it now that it was free. I could feel its power as it flowed through me, burning my own energy like dry kindling. Some tiny part of my mind was afraid, some forces were not meant to be tampered with and this song was just as powerful as the one I had sung in the lab. The song excluded any other thoughts and I rapidly lost track of any thoughts at all.

I slowly blinked and realized that the song had ended. I was completely exhausted and my throat was sore. I realized that both the Queen and King were watching me with faint concern. The Queen leaned over to nuzzle my shoulder, "Thank you. Sleep where you are, we can tell that your efforts have drained your energy."

Singing two powerful songs back to back was something I never wished to do again. I was too tired to object and my eyes were closing on their own will. I heard the Queen murmur, "I was doubtful when my mate promised you a gift of great worth, but I think his promise was insufficient for the gift you have given me."

My eyes fluttered open and I tried to protest that I didn't really need a gift, but my voice was a hoarse exhausted murmur. She seemed to understand my incoherent mumbling and she tilted her head as she examined me with curiosity and interest, "I have never met anyone like you before. I look forward to seeing you again one day."

I was too tired to talk and my eyes started to close again on their own accord. The last thing I saw was thousands of the creatures streaming into the room through every entrance and taking up every bit of unoccupied space possibly available. My mind dipped down towards sleep as thousands of voices began softly singing in a complex hundred-part chorus that reached notes I could barely fathom.

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