Wait... Powers?

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A fly buzzes around my hair because of the sweet aroma from the coffee I drink.  Then the fly dissapears.  I take a sip from the coffee.  The coffee had begun to taste bad.  Maybe I swallowed the fly?  This just made the coffee taste worst.  A buzzy thrumming starts within my throat and to my heart.  I think I had just digested it.  I put down the coffee.  I sneeze. A blast of sound waves comes from my nose.  I look around my apartment.  The glass shakes violently.  One of the windows break.  What just happened?  I get up to go to school.  (Yes, I drink coffee and go to school.)  I get dressed, heat up a waffle, eat it without syrup (Yes, shutup), I pack up my backpack, and leave.  

"Good bye, little kitten."  I shut the door behind me.  I feel a little sick.  Ugh.

I put everything away that is suppose to be within my locker.  I was about to go to class when I start to feel like I am about to faint.  The ground approaches fast.

I wake up to be within a hospital.  I sneeze, breaking the heart monitor.  A nurse runs in to see a catastrophy that only the monitor faced.  She runs back out at a very fast pace.  She brings in a doctor to also witness the murder's after effect of the lifeless monitor.  The glass of the screen had shattered.  Did I sneeze willingly?  I cough and a bullet comes flying out of no where (My mouth?).  Oh no no no!  I have a coughing habit!  I'm gonna end up killing someone!  As I think of that, another cough feels like it is burrying me alive.  I clear my throat with a low rumbling sound.  A fource field appeared.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!  The doctor is looking at me with a fascination.  I accidentally have a fit of coughing.  I end up killing everyone that started looking at me.  I cough at the window (On purpose this time).  It shatters.

I jump out of the window and clear my throat.  This was the ultimate test.  I ended up not hurting myself, which was a relief.  I run back home and turn on the TV to the news.  

It seems that school had already ended so it must have been around eight hours of me being passed out.  (author's note:  This is so funny, that as I am rereading this, I am breaking out into laughter.)  I look around to see my apartment unchanged... wait nothing is messed up from my little kitten... OH NO!  I rush around really fast as I urgently run around to find my kitten.  She is sleeping soundly on my bed.  Did she sleep through this entirety?  I throw myself onto the bed next to her.  I fall asleep after a few moments.

The next day is a Saturday.  I look online to find a city that is really out of the ordinary.  It has a school that looks completely new but is for sale.  Wait... Oh my gosh!  It is surprisingly only $5!?!  I quickly go to pay for it and rush right over there.  I go pay the person with real cash as his trembling figure runs away with the money.  What was his deal?  I walk inside to find it run down and really dirty, but it looks like it has potential.  I start cleaning for a while, as I am cleaning, the dirt reappears after a few moments notice.  Oh... that's why. Hahaha... Five dollars seems worth it though.  I look around to see a sealing talisman on the wall hidden by nearby objects.  I cough at it and it slowly falls to the ground.  I start back to cleaning as I look intently at the ground... wow, it didn't do it again.  I repeatedly clean the same way through every room.  I ended up using the entire day.  

"All done.  Now I have to go back home and sleep the day off."  I go back home and do as I said.  The school was only the town right next to mine.  

I wake up and look at my bank account.  Only 1,000,000?  That is not a lot.  (OH YOU LITTLE-!)  I find my phone as I text my friend.

Me:  Hey, Jay, what u doin'?

Jay:  Hi, Ellia,  not much.  I'm just finishing a project... Where were you on Friday?

Me:  I had a family issue... yeah, sorry you weren't able to see me.  I need you to come over for a while.  I wanna show you something cool.

Jay:  Sounds good to me, should I come straight away?

Me: If you want to.

From the author:  This is a funny little book I wanted to put together as a little fun project.  I won't be able to always upload due to time issues, but I like how this story is and don't worry your little butts.  I am NOT going to make her the ultimate Mary Sue.  Where's the fun in that?  Bye!

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