The New Member

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"You said servant, right?"  I turn around as he has a face of a terrified expression of what leaked from his mouth.  A fate sometimes worse than that of death.  I  won't let that happen though.

"Okay.  Now that you have said that, we can get some work done."

The Kid's POV:

That "Sugar Rush" villain is really odd.  She seems like a cliche villain type.  I accidentally said servant out of just plain panic.  I'm an idiot sometimes when I get confused.  She lives in a school.  A school of all things!  That is really un-cliche unlike her personality.  I don't really care anymore about that, all I care about is what they are thinking of right now that scares me.  Am I going to be worked to death?  Tortured?  Stop it, Felix!  You can deal with her with your super amazing flight and multiply abilities!  

"What's your name?"

"Why would I tell you?  I don't know you!"  I put up a defense to keep me on guard.

"Unless you want me to kill you or some of the people you love, tell me you idiot."  Not my family!  I can easily split into multiple, but if she kills me, the original, I won't multiply!  All of my multiples only obey me or anyone I tell them to obey.

"Fine, I'm Felix."  I give up in defeat.  I con't do anything about it, so I will go easy and not hard.

Sugar Rush's POV:

I walk away from the kid after untie-ing him and putting on a tracking bracelet that only I can take off.  I leave and nod to her.  Now that I have thought about it... She doesn't have a name.  I have been just calling her she.  I should ask.

"What is your name?"  I ask guiltily.

"It is Catherine.  I guess I've never told you."

"Catherine, what should we do with him?  I kinda wanna make him my side-kick sorta.  Can you make a suit?"

"Fine, but this time, you owe me."

"Thank you!"  I walk away victorious to go retrieve Felix.  I made him clean the classrooms with a mop.

"What the..."  I walk into a room filled with Felixs, I only see one sitting down, sipping at a water bottle.  That one jolts up and looks over here, so do the others.  I tilt my head to the side in confusion.  They all have the same armband that I gave him.

"I can multiply..."  He looks over, kinda embarrassed.  This is perfect.  I can have them as goons.

"I got a preposition for you.  If you get your... clones to obey me and help me rob, you can stay here and have a fifty percent share of the profit.  Got it?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, you don't."  I grab one of the many remotes to detonate the bomb within the collar and I hover my hand over it.

"Fine!  Multiples, obey her with me, and keep her and yourselves out of trouble."  They all nod their heads in unison.  

"Question, how many can you make?"

"I haven't had a limit so far,  though I do need to be full of food to make 5 of them at a time.  If you supply the meals, I supply the Multiples.  Candy bars can also do.  Even a Multiple can create more Multiples.  We can all read each other's minds."  I have a lot of money for food so...  I can do that.  I motion with my hand to follow.  They all follow.  I show them to the cafeteria.

"I am going to give you a bunch of different uniforms for certain activities.  You, as the main Felix, can relax as much as you want."  I should go tell Catherine of this.


The Felixs are stationed like guards in every hall way of the school.  Some are patrolling the halls and switching from shift to break.  This has me draining a lot of money at the moment.  About 100 dollars a day to be more exact, and that won't last to long if I keep this up.  I can only imagine a year's cost.  I only bye 50 cent candy bars.  The Multiples look like this is a normal everyday thing, not complaining at all about the same meals.  I tell them to only turn on the lights if necessary.  We keep the halls dark as to not attract attention and to save money and energy.  I had some of them install solar panels.  So even if we do have the lights on, we can used the stored up energy.  

"Sugar Rush, we are awaiting today's orders."  A Multiple stands proudly.

"We are going to rob a bank."  

This is going to be BIG.

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