Costumes Galore

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"So what do you think of this one?  It has a nice black and purple color to it.  This mask makes it look extra cool!"  I gaze at the costume, this seems to be like, the fiftieth one.  We used a lot of fabric and money to make a lot of costumes from the picture Jay drew for us.  Speaking of Jay, he went back last night to his family's house to pick up some really cool stuff.  He said he would make me some really cool tech once he is done with it.  

"Can we put down the outfits for a little while?  I don't really know how to deal with school and villain-ing while not getting caught about being a student, because if I go after school, the cops might get suspicious."  This is a real issue that I might have on my hands if I don't work things out.  

"Easy, you go online for school instead of actually going. This school is very specific with what you can and cannot do.  I could help you set it up.  I may be just a costume maker, but I am not an idiot."  She does make quite a few points.  Where was she my entire life?  Oh, wait, she was living her own.  I need her more than ever to become a cliche villain of my dreams.  (You got some weird dreams, kid).  I bring out my laptop off the cart of stuff that I usually bring with me.  I open it up and start typing, and after putting in the password, I give her the laptop willingly.  

"And... Done, you are completely set up.  You could do it throughout the entire day for the month once a month.  Now, I just have to tell your teachers and and the principle about this."  She... is really good!  I... will admit, I can be an idiot sometimes and not think.  

"Let's see all the possible costumes now that it is out of the way.  Costumes don't decide themselves."  She smiles and starts taking out costumes designs.  Jay walks over with some paper and pencils.  

"I don't want a cape, that is for sure.  I think that we should do a layer design... like dragon scales and how they work.  A nice purple and black would give a nice aesthetic to the design."  I stop to give them time to think and draw out what they want and have planned.  I look over Jay's shoulder and see that he had designed a very cool looking dragon type costume.  He has a chain mail for the easily exposed parts like the elbow for whenever you are bending.

"Also, try to make the materials as light and durable as you can, I don't want to get caught in a chase."  Jay looks at his sketch, and ends up erasing a bit here and there.  I go back behind the counter of the lunchroom and start cooking away some ravioli that we had to spare.  I don't want to disturb the thinking aura of them at the moment.  I grab the bowls and put the finished product in them.  They still need to cool down, so I put it on the counter connecting behind the counter and the main lunchroom.  I drift over to the pile next to them and start laying them out into beds.  I grab the computer and role up in the nice and warm blankets.  I will do some of the school work until I feel tired enough to sleep.  Well... I am... quite tired...


I wake up to a shake from a softly firm hand.  I see a blurry figure loom above me.  The soft facial features slowly arouse me.

"Get up sleepy head.  We don't have all day.  We both stayed up all night debating materials.  Now it is your turn to try on and fit the prototype outfit before we bye it.  It might fall apart because it is sewn together Styrofoam.  Tell us what you think."  I get up and stretch away the aches of sleep from my body.  I forgot, I didn't even get changed into my nightclothes.  It doesn't matter right now.

"Let me get a shower in the gym locker room first though..."  I stand from my sleep.  Jay follows me up.

"Styrofoam doesn't work well with water, it is going to be hard to put it on."  I feel dirty, but I reluctantly go over to a table.  I feel sluggish and really lazy.  I rub my eyes to orient myself.  

I see in front of me, a dragon head mask, and a well built suit to accompany it.  

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