Gonna Need a Team

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"I really like the feel of this.  How long did it take to get the materials again?"  I am just to awed after all the test runs of the Styrofoam.  Some would restrict a little more than I wanted to.

"5 days, we had a lot of space for some more designs.  But it is clearly superior than that of a lot of superhero suits from the comics."  I clearly see her as an evil scientist over here.  I stretch all around to make sure the adjustments are right.  

"Well, I'm going to go for a run."  I take off the amazing armor and feel quite lighter.  I take a shower, put on some clothes, and I'm off.  


I've been running for a while.  I open my mouth to yawn and suddenly... I taste something very familiar.  My limbs feel much stronger and I start running faster than I have ever done before.  I slow down so no one notices.  I head back to the school to tell them of this... odd event.


"I'm back... and with some more powers believe it or not."  They look over with a face of confusion.  

"What powers?"

"I think speed and strength."

"Well, now I can do the name I have been wanting to give you."

"What name?"

"Sugar Rush.  It's perfect."

"O...kay?  It sounds really cool, but that as a villain name?"

"It is amazing and you should just accept it."

"Fine."  I have no words for that name.  When did Jay think of that name?  Why?  How?  I don't feel like asking.  

"Let's see how much you can lift so..."  They bring me to a tree that is moderately sized and is blocked away from other trees.  I grab hold of the the tree and...

"Not... Strong... Enough... But I can... Do this!"  I hold the tree above my head and throw it to the side for the mushrooms.  I almost pass out from exhaustion, but the others hold me up.  I don't like the feeling over exertion, so I won't be doing that again.

"Looks... Like I'm... Not doing that again, hehe..."  I drop to the ground... Never... Again...

"Let's get her into the school.  I think she won't be doing that again with that expression of laze."  Thank gosh he knows me so well...  Tired... Again...


"Wake up you bag of open potatoes, get a move on, we don't have years to do some work."  I yawn (why do you always yawn after waking up) and get up in haste.  

"We found another person walking into the place and we sort of... tied him up.  We were wondering what you would want to do with him.  Here, I'm going to show you, but you should make a cool appearance with the suit on."  I climb into the suit lazily because I don't feel like arguing at the moment.  It takes about 10-20 minutes but it was worth it.  I follow her into one of the classrooms buried by halls, like a maze or labyrinth.  

"H-hello?  Is anyone there- Oh.  It is you, again."  She walks in as I wait behind the entrance.  

"My... master is here now."  W-what?  Master?  That... should be a compliment, right?  I shake off the comment and walk in daringly.  I see a scrawny kid and smile under my mask.  I stop and fold my arms right in front of him.  I look over to her and then to him.  How did he manage to get near here even though there are a bunch of warning signs?  I put my hand to my mask in a face palm position.  I'm going to need a villainous attitude to look cool. (You are far from cool)

"Why did you bring me here for this thing?  It looks like it could barely hold its own weight."  She smirks.

"Well, we found him flying over the wall.  It was... very interesting."  Oh?  Another power person?  I scratch my chin and I wave for her to follow me out the door.

"Wait!  Don't leave me!"  I feel like he is about to do something kinda stupid... "I'll become your servant if you at least don't leave me here!"  To late, I was to late to think it.  I stop in my tracks and grin at his stupidity.  She does the same.  

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