First "Paycheck"

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I look over the the army behind.  I almost stop in my tracks before we head out.

"What is the location and plan again?"  We have almost gotten off of the property.  I wave a Multiple over and he puts around me a Dracula-type cloak.  Black with gold trim on the outside, and a delicate purple within.  I basically detested the thought of a cape, but they already made it, so I took it anyway.  It matched the outfit anyway.  

"Your mask should have a GPS on it with a com, so we can track you effortlessly through it."  Jay says this in a bored tone using the mask.  I breathe in and out.  I am not one to usually go through effort to actually be evil.  I'm going to need a clear head.

"Multiples, I want you to make sure that you don't get caught, and don't forget that eating can make you multiply."  I give them a thumbs up.  They all look at the belt that stashes a candy bar within each pocket.  5 pockets in total.  25 Multiples per Multiple.  Some of them start flying up.  Some that don't, go to carry me.  I can't fly so I use them as a chair.  It takes two of them to hold me.  One of them said that they could fly for an hour if they are carrying someone.  One Multiple holds another and they take turns holding each other for better traveling distance.  We begin to fly.

. . .

We fly to the side of the building and land there.  It took only about 20 minutes for us to get to this town.  I look back at the fifty Multiples.  The original amount of Multiples is a lot now that I think about it.  I brought fifty but I guess I got carried away at the shear amount.  We walk around the building and into it.  Everyone turns to look at us.

"Put your hands in the air and give us your valuables."  I put my gloved hand into a finger gun position.  A lady looks at me about to crack a laugh.  She must think I am crazy.

"You think I am joking?"  I give her a stare but she looks like she is about to burst.  The middle circular table is low, so I step onto it and look up.  I get in a charging-look position.  She bursts into laughter and so do the locals.  I build up a fit of coughs.  I release at the ceiling and they hold it back after I fired the second.  I look at them with a hate in my eyes.

"Believe me now!?!"  I stare soul-ly at the lady.  The Multiples walk behind the people and start checking them.  I am guessing by now that the silent alarm has sounded.  An accountant has her hand where I guess is the button.  Some of the Multiples walk to the accountants.

"Get them to the vault.  NOW."  She flinches at the loud voice.  

"Multiples, multiply."  Everyone that isn't a Multiple stares at them in fascination.  They all take from the same pocket, the same looking candy bar, and eat all at the same time.  They multiple x 5.  I do some math, it turns out they multiplied to 300 because you add the original amount.  I grin devilishly.  

"Freeze!"  Speak of the devil, the cops showed up.  I see a camera crew over my shoulder and behind the police force.  I smile underneath the dragon helmet/mask.  I do the villainous cape flip as I look at the people behind me.  

"Ha-ha-ha!"  I look at the measly 25 cops that bite their lips.  I look at them.  "Or what?"  

"We will shoot!"  I hear the mumbling of the camera crew among the shuffling of the Multiples.  A bunch of Multiples can't take the low amount of space left in the bank and flow like a river out of the building.  They flood onto the steps in front of the cops.  I sit down on the round thing in the middle of the bank's main room.  I hear a soaring sound of someone or something outside.  

"Never fear, Rilly Rover is here!"  Some type of Super is here.  By that line, he is most definitely a hero.  I face-palm at "Rilly Rover."  Everyone behind the cops and and camera crew starts to cheer his name in waves.  I stand up onto the table once more.  Two Multiples put my feet in their hands as they walk out of the bank.  Some of the Multiples managed to take everything within the vault and head into the main room.  

"What type of name is, 'Rilly Rover?'"  He looks at me as I exit the building.  I duck under the frame of the door.  I cross my arms and stare right at the floating figure.

"Get out of my way."  I give a bit of a snarl while my voice changer kicks in.  He looks at me in a bit of a shock.

"The villain is a she?  Definitely a shocker."  He furrows a brow.  His voice changer is much lighter than mine.  I role my eyes, not like he could see it anyway.  I sigh.  I move to point a finger gun with my hand and widen the snout of the dragon helmet ready to shoot him.  He leans back, in a slightly panicked state.

"W-what are you doing?  You know a finger gun won't do anything, right?"  I use it for aim rather than using it to shoot.  But he didn't know that.  I move my hand and head away from his body with a cough.  The cough was covered by the sound of the bullet.  He gave out a shriek-like sound.  All of the cops give him a look of confusion.  I grin as I hear a certain sound from behind me.  I looked back to find a pack of bouncing gum flying over with a drone.  I took it and looked back at him.

"Well, here's my time to leave, stay bubbling darling!"  I chose that as my catch phrase since I am Sugar Rush.  As I turned, the name Sugar Rush was embedded on the back of my cloak.  He doesn't try to get near me because of all my  Multiples.  I pop a piece of gum into my mouth and bounce away to Fallgate.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2018 ⏰

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