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He rushed as soon as he could to my place.  How could I tell?  He was out of breath and had sweat all over him.  I personally don't like sweat so I gave him a towel.  

"Thanks for coming as soon as you could."

"Sorry... huff... I got here... huff... as fast as I could."

"Now I have the ability to show you now."  I feel a cough slowly wanting to squeal through my throat and have a fit.  I AM NOT GOING TO KILL MY BEST FRIEND, NO!  I look away as I cough.  The bullet goes slamming into the concrete wall.  I clear my throat to set up a force field and stop me from wanting to cough.  I then sneezed by getting a feather.  An echo of sound flew in a weird pattern.  His eyes flew open as fast as the cough bullet.

"Please don't tell anyone!  I will even help you if you don't tell a soul!"  A laugh resonates from within his chest.  Is he still in shock?  He looks pleased though...

"Don't worry.  I won't tell anyone anything.  This is just so cool!  Just imagine the possibilities that are endless.  Plus, I am a friend.  What friend would I be when I have a secret to keep?"  Just listening to those words filled me with so much happiness that I ended up crying.  I looked pretty pathetic, I know that I looked like that because of the mirror that was lying on the floor next to us.  I accidentally cough and... kill the kitten.  I immediately look at the source of the tiny noise... I start crying even more after looking at the mass of fur now lying motionless.  I fall to the floor in the despair that only a cat lover could feel.  That cat was the last gift from my parents before they... yeah.  

A look of insanity crosses my face as I scoop up what left I had of my parents.  I whisked Jay towards me as we make our way towards the unoccupied school.  I take everything in a cart that was easily foldable through the street at a common pace.  In what seems to be the playground, I burry the kitten and place two sticks together to make a cross and tie them together with a chord of an old charger.  I walk into the school and wash my hands in a female bathroom that was immediately to the right within the school.  I put down my pillow and alarm clock to go to sleep.  I had to set the time an hour early due to the walking time to go to my school's classes and preparation to go there.

I got ready while trying to spare the little things I have.  I look like a mess after crying myself to sleep last night.  I will have to the store and get some things to eat.  I walk to the school at around 6:00 A.M. with Jay.  (He slept over at the abandoned school)

"I'm tired, Jay.  *Yawn*"  I open my mouth wide and look up with a cough, for the fun of it.  I look around after realizing that I am... in... public.  Nobody is around?  I give Jay a confused look.  He also replied with another look of confusion.  I shrug my shoulders after a few moments of tenseness.  I continue yawning all the to school.  I ended up making Jay do the same.

School was nothing special, a lot of weird glances due to me crying under my breath.  I was scared that a teacher would notice and pull me aside for a lecture of how death is a part of the cycle.  Fortunately, that didn't happen.  I go into the bathroom after school to brush my hair.

"Yo, dork.  What are you doing in 'my' bathroom?  Wanna know what happens when you mess with my bathroom?"  You could see right into the bathroom without any twisty turns.  Jay watched this unfold.  I put a hand over my mouth.  Jay nods.  A punch lands on my cheek.  It bruises, and makes it look bigger than it had hit.  Jay runs to get a teacher.  The punch REALLY hurt.  She lands another one at my eyebrow.  I put up my hands in defense.  The teacher runs into the bathroom to restrain the student that was from atop of me.  Two more also approach and quickly restrain the other two beside her.  They looked easier to restrain than her.  A teacher, who had bring a bag of ice, while restraining a student offered it to me.  I took it for the bruises that really hurt.

I went to the store with Jay before going to the... what should I call it?  It'd be weird if I said. "Oh, I'm going to the school after school!"  It just doesn't sound right.  Maybe... Fallgate?  That sounds like a cool place.  So... if I say "I'm going to Fallgate after school,"  that sounds like a good cover up.  

We end up reaching Fallgate, and after talking about the name, Jay also agreed.  By the way, his parents had agreed because I said we were going to stay in a hotel.  The reason why they bought this, is because they wouldn't have to pay for the extra person, and they are kinda poor.  We bring back the groceries from the store and put them in the cafeteria.  Did you know that Fallgate is two stories tall?  I thought that it was like an attic, but it turns out that you can go up there with a bunch of classrooms.  I put down the bags and end up putting up a bunch of fake spider webs and a lot of warning signs.  I also put up some boards and other things.  I go around to see that every door "looks" boarded up.  I did the same with the windows, while actually locking them up.  

Author's notes:  I thank every person that chooses to read my story of a dorky teenager that some how ends up with powers after eating a fly.  This is just too funny to stop writing.  I don't want to make this character too powerful, all the while making her a funny dork of a Super.

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