Monday, December 4, 2017 (part two)

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There are a few things I wanted to say, but didn't want to put it in the first part.

First off, I have now officially posted everyday for a week on Wattpad, thanks to this journal of sorts.

Second, I've got some of my writing mojo back, since I've been able to fix my story, and almost rewrote a whole chapter (which I am still working on).

And third, if any of you were wondering here are the ages of me and my siblings:

Me - Oldest (by my mom and dad at least. I'm my dad's second child) 17

Phoenix - second oldest 15

Amanda - middle 9

Ranon - second youngest 6

Hermione - youngest 3

That's it, for real this time. Promise ;) Again, goodnight, morning, afternoon, or evening to whoever reads this, whenever they read this.


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